How do u rage in video games?

how do u rage? do u physically rage as in hitting ur controller on your desk or do u play a harmonica(def didn’t buy one for this reason)


I have a silly habit of angrily singing along to songs I’m listening to as I’m playing. Even if the song isn’t angry.


Depends if it’s wow rage or call of duty rage.

lets say cod bc ik those can ruffle peoples feathers

Oh ya know…
You take your controller. You want to throw it, but you still are sane enough to foresee the repair bill.
So you calmly set it down and slap your desk.

Or overwatch rage.
I’ve never alt f4 a game so fast in my life.

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Should change title to " do you rage in competition" which is normal and healthy.

If your raging in doing dungeons or quests for exmaple, you have serious mental issues.


I just yell at how s**t the game is. Couldn’t imagine breaking my stuff, stuff costs money.


I see you’ve never been a dps stuck in a group with a tank pulling 1 group at a time, even though the tank AND healer could handle at least 5 groups.


I don’t rage in WoW. One of the reasons I always come back. Idk if it’s because I’m good and confident or it’s just a chill atmosphere.

As for whether or not raging in competition is healthy… kind of? It’s normal to be frustrated and even mad, it’s a bad sign if you’re lashing out in any way. You’re either bad at what ever it is you’re doing, or you’re letting the activity absorb you.

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Oh , i have. in those situations i just pull for the tank.

And why would you be mad? people in pve are bad, its normal.

You gotta have patience with pver’s.

no bc every time i do that i get called bad names or the tank starts legitimately crying

Unfortunately tanks in leveling dungeons will either rage quit or sit on their hands lol.

I used to pull, but I got tired of dealing with meltdowns. Worse than a kid that missed their nap in the middle of a grocery store.

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I don’t rage. If I get annoyed, I sigh.

Haven’t gotten outraged since I stopped PvPing in Wrath.


Why would a new tank in a levelling dungeon pulling 1 pack a time make you rage though?

Alt tab, put some music on or listen to a pod cast and chill?

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not if theyre bad all fun and games until u realize you’re the healer and the tank doesn’t know how to use defensive or u get vote kicked

So you que another? what’s the big deal? u wasted 10 mins, who cares?

If your raging and breaking stuff over that, my guy you need to seek mental help asap.

Make sure there is no 1 tied up in your closet.

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I sigh NOW.
Smart phones help A LOT with wow rage.
Something dumb and uncontrollable is happening? Tab and youtube or whip out your phone and sigh.

Unfortunately I am a crazy dungeon diver. I’ve done all the classic dungeons at least 1k times each, probably way more.
I know the pulls, I know the packs, paths. Heck old wailing caverns was one of my favorites.
I still guide people through lower blackrock.

But with that knowledge and experience comes with it a very small amount of patience when it comes to rp walking through those dungeons :joy:

I would never damage my hardware.

At most I let out an expletive. I don’t really rage at games. I get annoyed with people, or get sensory overload, each of which has their own coping skills.

None of them involving damaging my stuff.


I haven’t raged at a game in a long time. Although I do swear a lot. Lots of that lately in remix.

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a good ol’ f word and go on abt my day
a dude, bro, man, wtf, wow omg im out
is usually in my mind too but i dont got killin my stuff lol