How do u rage in video games?

$3 keyboard from Goodwill, I Hulk smash!!

Mostly if I am getting frustrated or angry, /exit and get out of the house. As I live on the farm, I can easily see and hear local wildlife like rabbits, birds, deer, and my cats. (Disney: Not a princess and I get animals around me. Eat your heart out!)

I don’t really “rage”, i just do a big breath in and out, then turn my PC off lol

I say “are you serious”
“Come on”
“You’ve got to be kidding me”

Except there’s a lot of cussing


I have gone through around 10 Xbox controllers, 5 keyboards and three mice over the past ten years. And a chair.

Only raged once in WoW, when I was ganked in that PvP area in StV. The chair was the victm in that rage.

Don’t think I have ever had a rage moment. I have gotten irritated, gotten up and went outside. In the past it was to have a smoke, but since I have quit, now I just watch the birds at the various feeders around the yard. Maybe have a beer. Don’t like breaking my things.

Sorry, I am boring.


im picturing a really aggressive “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood…” :upside_down_face:


I just yell. Rarely at this game though, since I don’t PvP on it anymore.

Street Fighter 6 though… oh yeah, I’ve woken neighbors.

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For some reason, I just imagined you doing a screamo version of ‘Baby Shark’ :joy:

in wow i cuss sometimes

in other games, i hit my controller on my desk i don’t hit so hard for it to break but it does make a sound, i also have a little bell on my desk i bought it out of a whim one day and i ring it sometimes but I’m buying a harmonica so i don’t hit my controller on my desk anymore

Button mashing random stuff in the chat like fhxbdkcbdb

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Most by shouting things like who designed this game or this is B.

Occasionally slamming my fist into the table, Hades 2 is what makes me rage the most these days.

Uhhh I usually hit my fight stick and yell but I try not to anymore as my wife yells at me

Rage is good :+1: , You have to let out that frustration you can’t keep it bottled up inside and if you need to punch something then go ahead punch through your monitor :stuck_out_tongue:

I let my 'toon do the raging for me. Works best with DK or Paladin.

When I feel it coming on I go do something else. Nothing in WoW is worth raging about.

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Imagine being such an unhinged lunatic that you throw a controller.


I’m glad I don’t run into these types of people. I did, however, get yelled at by a healer once because the tank was dying. I threw them a heal and bubble (was playing shadow) and the healer told me to stop trying to do his job for him. It was obvious they were struggling and I thought I was helping out, but what can ya’ do. I won’t tell anyone how serious or not to take a video game. Sometimes it’s all they have. I just personally can’t see how people with their frontal lobe developed can get so angry at games. Anger is normal, but rage fits? Yikes.

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I log off and do something else. If I’m not enjoying my time I’m not going to keep playing. It’s a video game after all.

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This is the correct answer. Go do something else.

i just swear a bit to myself usually.