Most of the ones we see in game are literal member of the Alliance. Sure there are some neutral and even adverserial ones but that would apply to every race.
If certain races got particle effects its because it “fit” that race. Not that Blizzard wanted to skim on the Horde. On that note, the Horde were given straight backs with no compensation on the Alliance side.
And that has what to do with how homogenous or not the varied high elf groups are?
They’re pretty cool and I need to get around to running that dungeon to unlock them (THAT is the big problem with the alliance ARs, how so many of them are locked behind dungeons and what not compared to the horde) Plus they’ve got their own visual distinctness going on.
And what does being an exception have to do with it either? Again, they are still mostly show to be with the Alliance. That is a fact. Like 90% of their apperances is as members of the Alliance.
That’s not a culture; if anything, the older high elves were defined by their refusal to give up volatile magic. It’s why the night elves banished them in the first place.
Yes, because one of the big chunks of high elves aren’t mages who use the volatile arcane magic that attracts the legion.
OMG! That’s so much worse than the whole model just being a mess that looks worse than the low poly models that people look at longingly in Suramar.
They are an alliance favoring faction of the Kirin Tor. As a organization they are held to the KT’s neutrality though they are most likely lobbying for a change. With the exception of the period in which Jaina made the KT part of the Alliance.
Were you supporting Anuella earlier when she said “the general body” of high elves were being referred to in the UVG?
If that is the case, the said book also said they are all Alliance.
Regardless, most of the high elves we see have friendly relationships to the Alliance and have sour relationship to the Horde. They are as Alliance as any of the races.
Personally, the only alliance race I’m jealous over is them getting worgen because uuuuugh they were one of the 3 races I really wanted to see become playable on the horde most of all. That they ended up being accidentally almost custom-tailored to be the worst way I’d see them go alliance to boot, just added extra salt into that wound.