How do people really think RDF will come

Blizz said no and made a major effort to put out the reasons why, it’s not coming, it is not in their design philosophy as part of the Classic Experience, you will not get RDF in Wrath, just accept it


They want to ruin WoW twice for everybody else. Thats the thing people have been saying for years. Casuals who want to be spoon fed all the content are the reason WoW retail has been in decline.


That’s basically what blizzard told to people in BfA and Shadowlands. How did that work out?

Nothing you said makes any sense or has any context to this post.

Out of all your 34 posts neither do yours.

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This isnt retail forums youre in the wrong location.

Reply wasn’t meant for you but the original poster, their design philosophy in retail went against what people said was bad and wanted and now it is near a dead game.

Exactly why blizzard should do the opposite of what people beg for on the forums. People begged and hated horde v horde factions but it was a smashing success. Not adding dungeon finder will be equally a success.

blizzard also said “no it will never happen” to Classic servers, but look at what we are playing on now

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There were a lot more people saying BfA and SL was bad than there are people saying no RDF is bad.

Enough people are celebrating this change that they know they made the right choice. Most RDF complaints will turn into whatever the new outrage topic is in the coming months.

We’ve been down this road before. Twice now.

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It certainly won’t be in the game to launch.

It might be added in a later phase if their tool doesn’t meet the goals for the larger audience and there’s enough backlash post launch. I highly doubt they are listening to much of the feedback from the beta on it seriously based on past WoW betas when it comes to design decisions.

They tend to go: we decided to do this

Community: this is a terrible idea

Devs: we are doing it anyway, you are going to like it.

Community: we don’t like it

Devs (near the end of the expansion): ok, we decided to listen to you.


Blizzard had the chance to make a boatload of money and protect their IP. Of course Classic was going to come - they’re a company that wants money.

There isn’t any financial gain to be had by bringing back RDF. Those that want it back will play regardless if it’s in or not.

Yes all 7 of you and your alts are definitely enough people.


Imma reluctantly agree with that. On the flipside, if grouping stays the hassle it currently is in TBC I imagine a lot of players will leave who would have otherwise ground dungeons. I think it’s a calculated gamble on their part. They haven’t been winning a lot of those gambles lately, especially on the retail side.

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Most of them are retail tourists who only reroll alts and dump them when they max out. They ruined the original game with their demands and have no problems doing it again with classic.

The devs for live have way more of a budget for development than the Classic team does. Changes to the game won’t be on the same scope between the two which is why we are getting a tweaked version of the LFG tool and not a RDF rebuilt from the ground up to fit into WotLK’s infrastructure.

So no its not the same and will play out differently.

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Yeah I agree completely with this, it’s not the same and it will play out differently when the game tanks and they are getting yelled at to put it back in

Okay “Zandalari Troll” whatever you say.

Never!! They also said they weren’t going to revert the changes to feral energy at the beginning of TBC…

Classic could tank and it wouldn’t hurt Blizzard in the least. More people should be thankful that they even have the opportunity to play it and not complain that they don’t have something that wasn’t even present for half of the original expansion.

I come across a surprising amount of people in game that don’t know dungeon finder has been nixed. I’m not going to speculate on how many don’t know but from my observation its higher than what we forum trolls would believe. These people will eventually speak (literally or figuratively by bouncing) one way or another and will be a factor in whether it gets added back or remains on the shelf.

I too believe this is the path.