How do Jaina lovers defend her?

I find they usually point to Garrosh

  1. Garrosh never attacked civilians, not once. When his general in stonetalon mountains killed a neutral camp of Night Elf and Tauren druids, Garrosh threw him off a cliff, describing his actions as disgraceful.

  2. Theramore was evacuated and had no civilians left in if. All that were killed were members of the alliance armies.

So pre corruption Garrosh has never killed civilians without giving them ample time to evacuate a battlefield. So using him to defend Jaina doesn’t make sense.

She needs to die, walking through dalaran killing fleeings non combatant civilians because your feelings are hurt is ridiculous.

Threatening to flood Orgrimmar, which houses literally thousands of civilians which she was fully intending to kill because your feelings are hurt is ridiculous.

When she’s angry she either gets absurd powerups with no explanation (battle for lordaeron says hi) or she lashes out at non combatants. Jaina is actually a coward because she will never step to anybody stronger than her, or comparable.

It’s why she never once directly challenged Cata-WoD Thrall, because he would mop the floor with her.

She didn’t even have the guts to threaten the horde leadership at the end of SoO, instead encouraging Varian to do it.

Jaina is a coward, and by far the worst written character in either the alliance, or horde.


Jaina killed like 3 and a half elves 5 years ago and you people still havent gotten over it?

My question is why are the Horde so thin skinned? Why does everything Jaina does cause you to cry about it?

She’s an extremely powerful mage on her own right and her staff contains the remaining essence of a Titan. Just because you dont know why she’s powerful doesnt mean it isnt explained.

Very few people are stronger or even comparable. Azshara is one such example, and she’s leading the Alliance in the fight against her in 8.2. Try again.


Because cowardly killing of civilians because you’re throwing a childish temper tantrum is never okay, especially civilians that are literally fleeing.

And that specific power is an azzpull. Perfect answer for everything Everytime.

Try again champ.

Of course she’s got to get a million man army together so she can hide behind them, then claim victory as if she did something relevant in the fight.


I just chalk the Horde’s anti Jaina tirades to being butthurt that our Waifu has a pulse. :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean hell if Jaina is so tough why doesn’t she step to Azshara 1v1?

She hides behind people, if they’re not a civilian or someone way weaker than her, she’s a coward.


Friendo, she threatened to kill Thrall in the Tides of War novel after Theramore was bombed and he knew she could do it. That was before she got her Titan staff. She would wipe the floor with him easily.


Have you not met the Alliance?


So… explain the Theramore civilians in Siege of Orgrimmar, being forced to fight each other to the death, etc…


It’s easy to forgive someone when you think they’re pretty. Look at all the Sylvanas defenders. If Sylvanas was an Orc, she wouldn’t be getting away with half of her antics.

Same with Jaina.


Source? Because the only place I’ve ever seen this “3 elves” thing was on the forums by Alliance players.

Meanwhile, on sites such as wow gamepedia:

“While, thanks to Rommath and the Horde champions, many Sunreavers were rescued, many others were still imprisoned in Dalaran’s Violet Hold or killed.”

I see nothing about the official number of dead, although datamined texts from 8.2 seems to confirm either a lot were killed by Jaina and/or she just couldn’t care less they were innocents.

While Jaina might certainly not be as bad as Garrosh before (or even Sylvanas now), she’s certainly no righteous, innocent either. She’d much rather Azeroth burn than let Dalaran join with the Horde against the Burning Legion, because she believes the Horde will attack the Alliance during the war. And who attacked who during Legion first? Greymane on Sylvanas.


At this point, regurgitating something so thoroughly debunked should be considered trolling. Infact pretty much everything you posted is Trolling.


Because of the writers. They have a cunning plan. We hope… well actually I kind of doubt it but ya okay they’re making it up as they go along.



I actually stopped playing Alliance when they wrote her out in Legion. Dont kill her off again, shes my favorite Alliance character. Need someone to go back to after they write out Sylvanas in MoP2.0.

What can I say I love warmongering girls. Something is wrong with me isnt there.


Or the various Orgrimmar citizens stuck up on spikes down in the Cleft of Shadows, for whom there is, I believe, a plaque up on the wall in memory of their deaths.


There is usually only one reason that anybody puts up with BS from a princess. To gain her favor.

Same way how some brainwashed Forsaken and Blood Elf players defend their Queen that can do no wrong ever.



After the War of thorns, no Horde should talk about killing civilians. Astranaar and Teldrassil both point to how the Horde views killing civilians. Come on, tell us how cowardly the Horde was to kill every single living being in a town?


Depends on what you mean by “defend” since I’m just on board. My biggest gripe is that they haven’t taken her character further and developed it more naturally. She seemed to take a hard 180 into good-two-shoes land rather than continuing her natural storyline of becoming more like her father and realizing how right Daelin was. Maybe going even further than he ever did.

Pre-BFA, I really thought she was going to be the primary aggressor that caused the whole faction conflict, and I was so ready to be a Kul’Tiran and have a leader I could actually get behind. Instead, we got basically the opposite of that and I’m again playing a character with a leader I don’t really like, but I don’t have any other options.


The horde aren’t humans they are bugs if the bugs do bad then they get squash