How Do I Use Gold To Buy The Expac?

Hi there!

Because I’m slightly slow (traumatic brain injury from a government job,) can someone politely and methodically explain how to use gold to buy the Shadowlands expansion?

I appreciate you all

xxx ooo

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I assume you use gold to buy wow tokens and then turn those tokens into blizzard balance.

  1. Log into WoW and visit the nearest auction house.
  2. Purchase at least 3 WoW tokens using your character’s gold.
    NOTE: This will cover the cheapest version of Shadowlands. If you want the versions that come with more stuff, you’ll need more WoW tokens.
  3. Convert all 3 WoW tokens into Blizzard balance.
  4. Exit WoW.
  5. Use the bnet app to visit the store.
  6. Filter WoW (or just search “Shadowlands” using the search bar in the top right).
  7. Click on Shadowlands.
  8. Click purchase.
  9. Select Bnet balance from the dropdown menu when it asks you how you want to pay for it.
  10. You have now purchased Shadowlands using gold.

Token prices are high now , don’t leave such stuff last minute

Now, can somebody explain how I can use wow gold to buy Taco Bell?


True but at this point, now that we have a firm release date for Shadowlands, they won’t be getting any lower than they are now.

The damage is done. If OP has already waited this long to get tokens, he might as well get them now if that’s what he wants to do.

That’s easy. Find a taco bell employee who plays WoW and trade gold for taco vouchers.

I guarantee you’ll find taco bell employees who play WoW.

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Do you write work instructions? that was extremely thorough.

140k isn’t really that high considering it was hanging at 120K all summer until the prepatch came looming and people started buying gold for the Bruto.


Nah they all play fortnite.

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I may or may not have been asked multiple times to explain how to use unfamiliar new equipment to the rest of the office.

thats easy trade gold for real money via paypal

Oh, ok. So what about if I want Pizza Hut?

Rorrand gave you good advice. The only thing I would add is that you cannot do split payments with your account balance. So make sure you buy enough tokens to cover the full cost of the expansion. Also you can buy the base expansion and upgrade at anytime, so don’t feel pressured to buy the higher priced additions.

Hope that helps and good luck :slight_smile:

Then you’ll need to get a Fortnite player who also plays WoW involved in the deal somehow.

You give gold to the Fortnite/WoW player. FWoW then gifts a skin to the Taco Bell employee in exchange for a taco. Finally, FWoW sends the taco to you.

You just gotta find the right middleman.


I play path of exile and found someone that will trade me Taco Bell boxes for exalt orbs. 1 Exalt orb for 1 Taco bell box. It’s a great deal.

Now if only I could find a game to use to pay rent with.

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That’s way too much work for a dumb ol chalupa.

Considering it’s from Taco Bell, I would argue that even paying for the chalupa the legit way also constitutes too much work. But far be it from me to judge; some people just gotta have their processed fake Mexican food.


It helps keep your colon cleansed. One Chalupa and all your insides are on your outside.



I assume you use gold to buy wow tokens and then turn those tokens into blizzard balance.

you casn then goto the store /shop in game and use your balance for the expansion it will guide you through the steps once you click on the item you want

I bought SL over the summer with gold.