How do i see list of toons on each wow account?

I have two accounts and each one has different characters on it. How do I know which account to activate?

EDIT: for some reason i was able to log in. Did i get a free month?

The self move might show your last played? If not to long ago.
No… Free weekend.


got it, was able to see my characters when i logged in.

Not sure if i can see them without a sub however. thanks

Timing on the free weekend coundn’t been better.


You should be able to, if you log into the realm where they are. If it’s been awhile since you last logged you may not have a character count next to the realm when looking through the realm list. You usually need to log into the realm to update that.


okay, now that I do not have a account, i am unable get get past the deathwing dragon. No chance to see characters listed.

How do i know which account to activate?

Select live … World of warcraft.

You selected Classic…


What do you mean now that you don’t have an account?

You have a total of 3 WoW licenses on this account. WoW#1 is a starter edition that has never had game time on it. You have two named ones created in 2004 and 2005.

If you are looking to active the license that you were recently playing during the free weekend, that’s the license that starts with a C, but you should be able to just select that license when logging into the game to see your characters.

Anything level 20+ will be locked, but should otherwise be visible on the realm selection list.


how do i find the realm selection list? I am blocked by

“active game time is required in order to play …” and so on. Cant get past Deathwing on top of Stormwind. There is no button that lets me see the realm list and the characters on that realm. Unless i am blind. I do not see anyway to see a list of characters on the forums.

Are you attempting to access Cataclysm Classic? You don’t be able to, as they do not have a Trial or Inactive option. You’ll only be able to view Modern World of Warcraft.

As I said, if you are referring to the WoW license that you accessed over the free weekend, that one starts with a C.


On my Launcher I have two different WoW game tabs. One for Live Retail and one for Classic. They are two different game tabs with two different launcher buttons.

This is what mine looks like. You want the one that looks like my left one that I have highlighted.


Then above that Play button use the drop down to select the right WoW license on your Bnet that you want to play.

You can select game versions there


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Yes i am playing on classic. Ill assume the one that starts with a C is the correct answer.

But for arguments sake … what if i had 12 accounts and needed to find the account that has Bob the orc shaman on it?

As that is the answer I have been giving you, Skulltaur, then you can probably do more than just assume.

If Bob was on a Classic Realm, then you wouldn’t be able to check the character list by logging into the WoW client.