How do i macro a mouse over for Ward of faceless ire

I am using /use [help, @mouseover] Ward of Faceless Ire but its not working at all. how do i fix it?

Trinkets don’t always work on mouseover.

Try this first

/use [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Ward of Faceless Ire

If it doesn’t work, try this.

/tar [@mouseover,help,nodead] []
/use Ward of Faceless Ire
/targetlasttarget [@mouseover,help,nodead]
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I’m fond of this one

/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Ward of Faceless Ire; Ward of Faceless Ire

none of these worked

what isn’t working about them

the mouse over isnt mousing over. Like it does nothing or it only uses it on myself

All works fine for me

idk what you want me to tell you friend. i copy pasted and its not working at all.

My question to you is. you’re not clicking the button for the macro from your action bars with your mouse, then trying to mouse over someone and use it right?

You need to have it keybound to something (mine is alt9), Soo I hover the pointer over a name plate in my frames, just over a rando sitting in the city and push the keybind. If my mouse isn’t over anyones character or unit frame it will cast it on myself.

sry just trying to trouble shoot.

What key combination do you have it set to and what is your Self Cast setting set to?

If it’s set to one of the “key” options and the modifier matches the modifier the macro is bound to then it’ll force cast it on yourself. Changing Self Cast to Auto will resolve the issue.


its not set to any key and its not set to selfcast either

So you don’t have the macro bound? How are you using it then?

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its on my action bar but in the macro its not set to a certain key.
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Ward of Faceless Ire; Ward of Faceless Ire
this is macro im using and when i use the macro icon on my action bar it does nothing.

If you’re clicking the button then it’s impossible to be mousing over someone at the same time…

Also, that macro is a bit of a mess. This portion never executes so you can just delete it: ; Ward of Faceless Ire


im not clicking it im pushing the keybind which is shift - and its not working. i mouse over someone push the button and it does nothing

ignore what I said :expressionless:

that the macro isnt working?

No, I read shift - as just shift and was like wah you cannot bind to only shift ya bozo and edited my post instead of pressing delete in case you read it

Alright, let’s narrow down the possible variables…
Try moving it to your 1 key or some other non-modified button just to rule out anything to do with modifiers.

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i tried that and it only casted on myself.