How do I learn the "switch flight style" spell?

Apparently the issue is that Blizzard still wants to force everyone to use dragonriding instead of giving us a choice. There should not be any situation in the game where skyriding is available but normal flight is not. If skyriding is available at level 10, then regular flying should be available at level 10. If regular flying is not available until level 20, then skyriding should not be available until level 20. Same goes for pathfinder.

I had already decided to stop playing this game after remix is over because the playerbase is so nasty and malicious, but I don’t know if I can even find the motivation to keep logging in until then.

Thank you Cayna! I had some with and some without the added key. Did not know where to find it.

Sorry for bumping this, but I recently picked up wow again after a couple years and decided to give the pandaria remix a go, it was going well, I made a dracthyr, did the purple quests that made me choose a dragon, fly with it 3 times and then use the customization pad to let me see how to change it. I went back to playing pandaria campaign, it was shortly before today’s maintenance. I did use skyriding in that area before I had to leave for server shutdown, when I came back, I was stuck to steady flying and there is no button or spell for me to switch it back. My character is level 27 at the moment, any ideas of what I could do to try and fix it, because I don’t believe support will give me an answer in a timely manner.

learned at lvl 20

I’m level 28, no skill anymore, while I had already used it earlier for a time before maintenance happened.

It is intentional. They want you to use and learn Skyriding. Part of the long term plan to remove Steady Flight from WoW.

Actuall no and yes it’s not QUITE in the spell book…
Click the Skyriding spell on the general tab of spells. Drag the last one on the right to your action bars…

Pretty sure you do, the level 20 flying is due to Dragonflight being an option for a leveling zone now I’m guessing.