How do i know if im at 0.5%?

Does achievement happen during the season or just at the end of it?

When Windwalkers cower before you.

wow site says 0.1%, ingame achiev says 0.5%, which one is right?

they already do

Then soon.

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0.5% of what are we talking about

No, it’s top 0.1% with a minimum of 3.

Titles go out 2 weeks after the season ends although there’s sometimes a delay.


2 weeks after the end of the season and it’s the top 0.1%. Check cutoffs at check-Pvp/drustvar/seramate.

You currently need over 2846 to obtain R1 as arms warrior. You need about 300 more rating at the moment to be in the running.


Theres a limit of 3 like kenny said?

Doable, considering i regained 200 due bug disconnect in a single day. Technically i have 2500+200

That’s the minimum and it’s increased with participation but it looks like Arms has 3, which…doesn’t seem right. :dracthyr_a1:

Oh, nevermind, I didn’t realize Omnivore uses two battle.nets.

Until there’s a fifth slot the cutoff will just be the fourth player on ladder.

You mean the mininum could be increased? how do you know these values?

Whoops, thought that the gnome was somebody else. It’s just 3 slots. Lmao.

Yeah, but there being more people playing Arms (and I suppose Blizzard fixing any bugs or how participants are considered).

The absolute minimum regardless of participation is 3 assuming there aren’t disqualifications. Oh, and interesting tidbit but if somebody gets dq’d their title (as of df) doesn’t seem to move down to the next person.

Just looking at ladders a lot in DF. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

The only other important thing to keep in mind is that alts qualify for titles but don’t eat or create a slot. If Omnivore is bored and pushes 12 different Warriors to 2900+ right now then you might see 15 Arms “slots”, but it’s really still only 3.

You can work out how many spots there are by going here
Solo Shuffle - Player vs. Player Leaderboards

and looking at the top. Arms warrior rank 1 title is 2500 which is spot number 3, so there are 3000 or less participating arms warriors currently above 1k rating. Every 1k more is another spot.

Arms having 3 (the minimum) spots in Blitz & shuffle. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: Maybe this is the end.

I think it very well may be the end of the world (of warcraft) solo queue experiences. The spread out of players from all expacs + the MMR debarkle at the start of the expac with wild tunings really murdered the season.

What if we double down and add solo 1v1 queues

Feral arenas will have 2 yards size or they can’t queue into this

Just pink ward the Incarn

easy fix for rated 1v1: let people also pick from a list of “”“consumables”“” which do various things such as disarm, 99% slow, blink, heal, etc

now you can pick something that covers your weakness against the enemy and introduces an element of picking a strategy to win


Is to change all balance around 1v1, it wouldn’t take long.

Weaker Karma.
Feral tanking 1/4 of what they do now.
Rogues not abusing re-stealth
Pallies and Mages with only 1 immunity etc