How do i know if im at 0.5%?

If im at 1100 cr how much rating do i need to get rank 1

I think itā€™s a LOT bigger undertaking than you realize. Would tanks or healers be allowed? What about hybrid and non-hybrid self-healing? Stealth?

Give it a shot if you think you can! Iā€™m super curious to see what youā€™d come up with!

No. Thats actually fast.

Selfhealing is not the problem, major CDS are, like BOP on top of a divine shield.

I totally disagree. Have you tried to duel a demo lock?

How do you define ā€œabusingā€?

Give it a shot! Balance all 33 specs for 1v1

They donā€™t generally disable specs from engaging in a particular form of endgame.

Rets can only heal because they are in their bubble.
Ferals can only heal if they are hard kiting.
Shamans canā€™t heal through damage, they tank a lot, kite, but the win factor is not necessary healing.

Demo is not hibrid, but yes, their selfhealing should be gutted by 50% maybe 75%. You are right about them.

bro doesnā€™t even know the basics of the title system and heā€™s at 2500

Buying the cyclone consumable on my holy paladin

Is that players fault? i bet we have this kind of information ingame and iā€™m just clumsy about it right?

blizzard could also release the $90 brontosaur that comes with the pvp consumables vendor so you can switch on the fly

shadowmeld even more busted with shadowmeld ā†’ pvpsaur ā†’ swap consumable in CD for another one

rogue meta again

i played myself