How do I Gnomeproof my Hut?

Leave out some underpants you don’t care for. They’ll take that instead of the underpants you like then.

Bonus tip, booby trap your underpants. Just… don’t forget to disarm the trap if you decide to wear them…

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Yes! Shut them down during Phase One!

How to gnomeproof your hut

  • don’t bathe
  • leave your filthy laundry on the floor
  • don’t do laundry
  • don’t wash your dishes
  • just let your trash ripen where it is

Oh wait, all that’s already true. Dude, seriously no gnomes or anyone want to go near your hut.


Sticky paper? …hic!

Tape, Oil, Garlic, Tar and Feathers can do the trick with Gnomes.

Simply make your hut so uninviting that no Gnome would want to enter. You’re an Orc so that is a good beginning. Then don’t serve tasty snacks to your guests or behave in a polite manner.

If you really want to make sure no one would enter, have my sister cater your events. Though even the Foresaken probably would skip the party.



Just lay out the rat traps baited with cogs and you’ll be fine from both normal and those mechanical nightmares. But if it’s leper gnomes then use regular cheese.

Iron, we hate it… mystical Faerie entity repellant in most cases…also Gnome specific; hire a bunch of Goblins to destroy your house “rerenovating” it…it will drive the perfectionist Gnomes MAD!

gnome so ugly , is bad , alot gnome die HAHAHAHAHA

spikes, spikes, and more spikes.

and some pits with spikes.

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Don’t leave pillows on your bed or in your coffin, as the little blighters keep coming in to try steal pillows :frowning:

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Put out a couple of P’zones & let em scrap over them, should alleviate raids on your Hut.

Magnets. Heavy duty magnets.

It fries Mechagnomes. And it can destroy the toys of regular Gnomes. Or traps them - Gnomes usually have some metal gadget or tool.

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Well . . . yer off my Winter Veil card list . . .

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Just put the first step like 15 inches off the ground.

I’m shocked to hear such language from an Orc.

I need to find some of that dust from Northrend to cut you down in size and you could look me in the eye. You could then experience the ideal level of existence.


So basically. Be a goblin?

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Mouse traps

Talk about a double entendre

That title

peanut butter traps.