How do I get these druid forms? I really want them please

Requoting because thats also my stance
Having people do the challenges on classes as they are now is nothing at all like doing it on classes like in legion

you can’t just scale your level to 45 and call it a day


No they shouldn’t bring it back. They should add NEW challenges with NEW rewards


I have the appearances in question. I still think it was a bad move for them to remove them from the game entirely, without there being some sort of alternative coloration to get from something else.

That werebear form being unobtainable has to feel great to any new druids…


Yes. Let’s be extra special snowflakes and have ppl be like, “lOoK aT mE!” :roll_eyes:

We don’t own these pixels. Blizz does. Blizz could go bankrupt in a couple years. Who knows… (I hope not) js.

Let ppl be able to work for them again. It will be okay…

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So what? People like to work and earn things, its nothing new, certainly not something Blizzard invented Why do you think brands like Mercedes or BMW exist despite the fact they’re mostly POS cars compared to a good old Toyota? Same idea.

We’re leasing our accounts, yes. Pretty sure leasing an apartment doesn’t mean i can’t decorate it, for example.

Let people move on and earn new rewards instead, it will be okay…

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Some people really love horse abuse sweet baby jebus.

They literally can’t they were balanced around the legion systems they either become impossible or a joke because of power/ability changes so unless they go back and tune them every time there are class changes (which would be a massive waste of dev time) they arnt going to come back, push blizzard for new unique rewards and get over the old ones


I just really want more druid forms. Mage tower skin is a dead horse, but can we get momentum over asking for covenant druid skins? I’d grind anima until I died for that.

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Sure they could…

A TW like instance…

where ur taken back in time with all the abilities, ur scaled down in power. ez clap.

Or they could simply add some new skins into Torghast, for example.

Is it absolutely impossible they will make the MT available to play again? No, nothing is impossible in this game. But given the number of times they have said they won’t, and the difficulty of making it relevant for playing in an expansion it wasn’t designed for, I have to believe its extremely unlikely.

Everything is still sitting there… they just gotta piece it together… your handed your weapon when u get in the tw like instance, you can’t switch it, ect.

You think it would be that difficult to make it relevant again?

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Yes I do. How many changes have been made to our characters since Legion? How many smaller and larger buffs and nerfs? Gear is different, food buffs are different, enchants are different, spells and talents are different.

The Mage Tower was intended to be a challenge event for characters in Legion, played at that time and as they were then. Hell, the game itself was different in ways I don’t know about because it would all be behind-the-screen type stuff that I’m not knowledgeable about.

We don’t need to put back a challenge from two expansions ago, anymore than we need the Challenge dungeons from MoP or the Warlock green fire challenge. Sure, if they want to create new ones relevant to now, with new rewards, that’s fine. But then, in an expansion or two, that would be outdated as well.

People need to move past the “I want it because I didn’t get it then” attitude and seek new content rather than reworking and patching up old stuff.

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I might be a few clowns short of a circus… but, I bet Blizz could work it out to where it’s a challenge and relevant again?

Do they really need to move past it? What’s wrong with wanting to work towards something you never had the chance to work towards? Or, life events prevented ppl from playing at the time?

You hear druid skins the most because depending on the spec you play - you’re in your animal form the most.

I would be beyond sad to say, just have started WoW - see the hulkbear skin - and not be able to get it.

Life is short. Let ppl work towards some pixels…whom does it harm? If you’re so nerdy about other ppl being able to get something time gated that you have and they don’t… Idk wut to tell ya.

I do agree, new skins would be awesome. Especially for poor boomies.


Bad necromancers, no!

I will tell Margrave Sin’dane on you.


I feel the same way every time I see someone on a TBC gladiator netherwing mount. I didnt play TBC back then so I never had the chance to get those gorgeous mounts. Would I love to have one? Sure, but I recognise that they were an intentional time-relevant achievement.

I’m not someone who is ‘nerdy’ about having something and not wanting other people to have it. I have the Wrathion Cloak (which is unobtainable now) and I’d have no objection to that being made available somehow, but that’s because it blocks off a world boss - which still exists in the game - and that shouldnt happen. If the content is there, people should be able to play it.

My interest in this game is to see new content introduced, not just an old thing brought back so a limited number of people can get something from it. So if, say, they introduced a similar challenge mode and made things like those lovely Saberon skins available to druids, I doubt anyone would object to that.

Something like this, for example:

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very cool skins…

I miss claws so much :sob:

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just so you know this isn’t my first post i have made the same post in the past with other toons in the past, so don’t be so rude against another player for having their freedom of speech. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHAT IS SAID DO NOT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!!

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Yes every time there are class changes ie a massive waste of dev time again push for new stuff quit letting them cop out and rehash old “content”

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you necro’d a thread - a whole lot of time people use another toon to necro their own threads just as a spam bump because they can’t use the original character.

There is a reason people switch characters and it is usually the one post wonders that cause problems on here.

exactly what I am talking about

Also, stating facts, i.e. calling you a one post wonder is not rude. And I have a right to my opinion on the issue, time limited is time limited so no. They aren’t going to do this anyway.

In addition, you don’t even have the excuse you weren’t playing that expansion - you were, you just didn’t do them.

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