How do I get these druid forms? I really want them please

It had the same kind of challenge dungeons as MoP with a yeti mount and weapon skins. Legion replaced that system with m+

On the topic of the Mage tower: I think it’d be alright to bring it back if they set all your abilities and level/etc to Legion ones - including what the weapons gave in a scenario style with set ilvl. Might even be harder to do now since you couldn’t try to outgear it like with antorus stuff. I have no idea how they’d be able to make that work with trinkets and such, though. Maybe a ptr - style vendor who let’s you pick legion-era gear that despawns afterwards?

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There is literally no way to scale it. Druids could not off heal like they can now. Druids where very limited back then and there is no way to go back to it.

Make a new challenge and make a new (Re-color) skin, heck yes. It was a super fun challenge. Completely solo and proved you knew how to play. And I loved it and it would give me something to work for.

And guess what, you will see that the people begging for this to be scaled, would be the same people begging for the new challenge to be nerfed, because they just don’t want to put in effort for this kind of thing. They want that sexy transmog but none of the effort that makes it so sexy.


And that’s the point of these challenges. The level you did it really has nothing to do with it in the overall picture. You just had to be max level.

The challenge was doing the Tower with the current spells, talents, legendaries, consumables. artifact weapons AND class. We really have no idea if Blizzard is going to add another class in the future but my guess is they are.

Yes :smiley: I was agreeing and adding on to your point. I should have said that.


I don’t think you realize that is what I am saying. You can’t scale it and the only viable option is a new challenge built for todays class.

*Nevermind I see we both are on the same page about this.

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Fine then don’t scale it. It’s years old content - let people romp right on through it like you can with most other things in the game that are that old.


Here’s the problem. Druids don’t get MOG options like other classes. They only get recolors of the same skin. Swole-bear is the only significant MOG option there is. Saying too bad, you’re late is the same as closing all previous xpac dungeons and raids for every other class.

There are 24 other skin options for bears from their artifact weapon.

Am I the only one who thinks the roided up furbolg form looks god-awful?


I don’t think it’s god awful but I don’t see all the angst over it. I think disco bear from Balance of Power is cooler.

My feeling is people want it because they can’t get it.

Edit: Actually, my favorite one is from Prestige level… whatever. At the time it was 14 but I don’t know what it is now. Love the black and red nightmare skin.

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Joking aside, no, it isn’t to everyones tastes, it is a nice unique new look for bears, but not everyone does or has to like it.

you found the sections on wowhead and then want the community to tell you how to get them - wowhead tells you - this looks like a very clumsy attempt at trolling - necro and all.

Yikes. Kicking people from heroic dungeons and LFR for some appearances sounds pretty hardcore.

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I disagree you one post wonder.

Time limited means time limited.


Recolor, as I said previously. Minor textures, barkish or stonish textures instead of fur. How do you think it would go over in the community if they announced tomorrow that there will be one template each for cloth, leather, mail, and plate and only recolors/retextures from now on to save development costs?

You’ll have to wait for Legion Classic.


I support recolors of those skins or new rewards/new skins, but not a return of the Mage Tower unless it’s to bring it back without the rewards just to try it again.

Blizzard’s biggest issue is they struck gold with the concept of a purely solo challenge with very well made and unique visual rewards, and turned around to give us Horrific Visions and those Old God masks that look horrible without the hood because it erases hair and stuff. And then Torghast which conceptually follows the line of solo/extra content separate from raids and dungeons but provides virtually zero rewards of interest.

They thought people liked the Mage Tower for the fact it was different from raids and dungeons, but fail to see a large part of everyone’s drive to complete it was the rewards. Heh, reward structure seems to be Blizzard’s biggest fail state despite having multiple examples of getting it right.


Instead of just making thinly-veiled Mage Tower threads every other day that are always just Druids wanting the tank skin, now we’re necroing them.

On the plus side, if they bring these back in any form (recolor or not), then everything that has been removed is fair game.

“Want” means not needed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Neither is playing WoW, but you still do that.

and these people do it without those appearances…

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