How do I get my old ui back

Letrix Plus will do that.

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I don’t know but please give us the option to revert the UI the new one is hot garbage I literally can’t play the game


Sure it does. It looks fine to me. Besides the new UI is far superior.

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You need two bars for unholy.

edit: Just make your action bars smaller. Or put them off to the side as a vertical column.

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ask in your local /trade
they’ll tell you

You can still get a refund for dragonflight.

Its not a great change.
In some areas I do not even see improvements.
They attempted to copy some popular addons, but then didnt even do it halfway right. Lacking so many options some of the changes seem worse off then before.

Im also experiencing buggyness with focus bar myself. Its weird that addons that have been around for sometimes 2 decades almost cannot be emulated properly?


I didn’t like it at first either. Especially losing my bagnon addon. But it’s starting to grow on me.

I think that the new UI is horrible. It is, at best, a cheap offshoot of the SWTOR set up and function.

One thing I will never understand about devs is that they don’t seem to understand the old maxium, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Was there a strong player push to redo the UI?

Yes, most will get use to it and play in spite of it. I will. But what made the people in control think that this was something wanted, needed, and worth the expediture of time and money?

I would definitely like to go back to the old UI. It was fine and worked for me.


Im pretty sure you can get it close to the old UI. close enough that it wont matter.
Once you get what you want, you can then use that on every character.
edit mode > layout dropdown > choose your set up

uh…HUGE numbers of us HAVE been complaining about the garbage UI and wanted to be able to customize it. So technically it was ‘broken’ in that it was deficient.

yes…it can.
dont drag it by the highlighted box corner…grab the CHAT box corner thats marked, same as before
It works…i know because Im literally doing it right now

see above.
literally doing it right now.

I agree. This new UI is horrible and needs to be corrected asap. Whoever had the idea for this must not play wow it’s a huge disappointment I will wait till there is a fix before I play again, there is no reason for me to stay subbed.


and yet its been getting a lot of great reviews in chat on beta and lots in here have said they like it. Not to mention the tens of thousands or more who ARENT in here complaining about it because theyre fine with it

not complaining on forums does not mean “fine with it” :slight_smile:


you seem to be conveniently ignoring the thousands upon thousands who hate it.


lmao…check this guy out. He literally thinks not complaining = angry and hate filled.

yeah…guy…it literally does = ‘NOT agitated’ when they ARENT complaining.

and I see them all in here…oh wait…there like 7 of you.

yeah, But I’m paid up until Nov 1st 2023

not what i said at all… But if you log into the game there’s a huge amount of players who hate everything about it


look at the Forums. there are way more people that Hate it too.

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