How do I get my old ui back

Yeah the new one actually is hard for me to follow and looks really bad.

I’ll come gripe here until they make the change it worked when they wanted to have us use our real name for battle tags years ago.


The old HUD UI is Gone and removed from the game it’s no longer compatible with the modern codes that comes with the new HUD UI.

Name something better that is not an addon. Addons suck.

It does far more than that.

The thing is you can resize them.

Agreed, just logged on and it feels like a mess compared to how I had it setup before. I do not like the new UI at all. WoW’s UI was my favorite out of any game I played, it’s one of the reasons I stuck with it so long.

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Maybe one day we will get a dev response.

Enough people are upset they will fix it

I know everyone can’t be a gnome, but try it for a few days.

Press the escape key. Click on edit. Practice moving and hiding things. If you get stuck, click on the revert to default button.

You’ll be glad you did.

Maybe someone will develop an addon called “Classic UI”

I shouldn’t have to use an add on to play the game simple as that.

I’ve fixed these horrible bars and I needed to help my wife get hers fixed she’s new to gaming and had a melt down when she saw the new bars.

It’s absolutely horrible that they didn’t leave us a classic ui and hud option you would think they would learn to leave a basic starting point and allow other things to be options.

And whom ever did the art work on the gryphons did not do them justice the old ones were 1000% superior to this.

If it helps, the TV I play on runs at 1000 x 1920, so I had to shrink the UI to 79% to get all the new stuff to fit (and still have a decent view) . There is a UI scaler in the video settings.

97 angry souls liked your post. It’s kind of sad that they don’t even want to evaluate the new UI.

If you really tried, you’d see there is a drop down after choosing the edit mode. That drop down has a “classic UI” setting. While it’s not 100% what it was, it’s pretty close.

There is also another post relative to the “classic UI” where someone posted the UI code. Many folks really like it. You can go that route.

I say after 18 years of the same, take a leap, and try doing it yourself. Set it up your way, even if it’s classic UI.

No, you shouldn’t.

But I don’t know anyone who doesn’t. Tell the truth, what add-ons were you running prior to the patch? :slight_smile:

You don’t need addons for UI. Just take a look, don’t freak out - there is a classic UI setting.

No add ons period end of statement.

I don’t use them never have never will.

The classic setting doesn’t do anything.

An option for the old art style for the UI would be nice, I don’t find the new art style visually appealing.

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Try this guys post. Many people are thankful for it.

As I’ve said I’be got my bars set back to something similar to what I had it took over an hour to get them back to the right size placement and on top of that I have found more things that needed to be tinkered with.

The boss bars
The party bars
The raid bars are broken
The mini map is entirely way to big
I don’t like the “art” that they claimed was good to replace the old bars
I have it so things don’t show I wish I could figure out how the hell to post a pic in here of before and after because I have them.

I’m not happy at all with the ui changes but unfortunately if I want to play I have to deal with this horrible crap because I want to play current content and not old content.

They should seriously think about things like this when they make major changes to the people they like the current things.

The ui change without a classic setting is entirely too different and changes the way the game feels.

And I’m waiting for someone to ask why I didn’t beta I’ll give you the answer to that I beta tested for UO years ago was in the alpha for kingdom reborn and they borked that so horribly that I won’t ever do a devs job for them again.

Not everyone needs to love a product. The “classic UI” option does work. When you set it, and move your character health frame to it’s normal location, and your target frame, everything else (besides the 3rd bar above action bars) IS the same. Boss bars, etc. Nothing broken. Unless you’re using some funky resolution or change visual settings we don’t know about.

Again, love it or hate it. I welcome the changes, even if I didn’t want it. It’s not stale anymore. I actually have to use my brain and set it up. Thats a once in a decade change for WoW. Bring it on!

Change your underwear once in a while! :slight_smile:

The classic ui doesn’t work it just moves the health bar to the top and doesn’t at all resemble the old ui.

It just stacks my bars in the center to the point that I can’t even see my toon.

Try clicking it yourself it does NOTHING thst resembles the old ui

Troll some more there guy