I just go with my guild. They’re nice people and don’t care if things don’t go perfectly.
Nice, the best way to get invited is to improve your score, try to do every dungeon on time at 8-9 range it will boost your score and you will get more invites to +10.
393i and Raiding… Has ran M0 but somehow doesnt know how keystones work or anything like that? Very fishy
Yes, I’m 7/8 Normal, 2/8 Heroic in Vault. The last couple expansions I only did LFR. This is the first time since … I think Warlords that I tried Normal+ raiding.
And yes, I have never done a Mythic Key dungeon until last night. I had no idea how that key system worked until I walked through it in this thread.
I just wish it was a little easier to get into Mythic + groups. There’s a lot of competition to get an invite.
You will have the best experience if you’re the one making your groups and can decide who comes and who doesn’t.
You’ll learn what the red flags are through experience. But expect a lot of rough experiences and don’t let them discourage you. Just learn from them and move on.
Run any mythic zeros and you’ll get a key for a plus 2
It should be on your bag. Set up your own team saying +2 and nothing else. Be sure to look at the key and pick the right dungeon in the lfg room
Queen it up then wait for people to come in. Get a healer a tank and 2 DPS
Preferably one with a combat res ( druid warlock deathknight paladin ) and blood lust (evoker hunter shaman mage )
Run the key don’t get hit and don’t listen to anyone in the key.
Good luck.
If you’ve done M0s then you already have a key.
You just click on the little pedestal at the dungeon entrance to put your key in and bam off you go.
Congrats! Hope you had a lot of fun
Few options:
1-Make your own group with your own key. Do a regular mythic dungeon to get a key or talk to the NPC. Id suggest doing the m0’s if you are unfamiliar with the dungeons though.
2- go in with guildies/friends for a more relaxed environment
3- queue with a higher rating player. I’ve been helping my partner gear up and raise his m+ score. Im a healer so generally we can get in whatever I think is best for his level. Might have better luck getting invites if someone with a high enough score is with you. ( Dont think my partner even knows about m+ scores yet tbh xD )
4- spam a bunch of 2s/3s, then spam a bunch of 4/5s …etc. Work your way up basically.
Why do people keep saying this ?
There’s an NPC that just gives you a key in Valdrakken, takes 2 seconds to get it. Don’t need to go do a M0.
Still a good idea for new players to just do them on m0 for the experience. /shrug
That is a nice QoL addition though, good to know. Ill add it in my information
this…burned myself out on them after just 1 week. Now I’ll just pug raid and maybe do 1 for the extra vault selection. I’m actually enjoying just levelling alts more than running the hamster wheel.
Id rather him run all 4 of the zeros that are part of the m+ rotation before you go into one and get berated by randoes
+2s are 10% above M0s.
It’s for all intents and purposes, the same dungeon.
Yeah I guess it don’t matter before 10s. And he’s not going in barebones ilvl anyways
Have tons of patience or you wont be able to deal with the toxicity when pugging beyond +18 keys
Good post, I’m sure there are many, like you and I, who are in a similar situation. It’s a refreshingly simple yet important post. I hope it’s not hijacked by trolls or elitist gripes…
I was able to run every dungeon at at least M8 the last couple days leading up to today’s Vault Rewards.
Also got two M10s done, although we didn’t beat the timer on those, we did complete them.
Pretty good start!
I feel like M10 is my own personal cap, so I’m going to stick with those for the time being as my goal for all the Mythics.
Honestly if you have a good understand of the M0 dungeon mechanics, work your way up by trying to understand how mythic affixes affect difficulty. Personally, I don’t do m+ all that much, but its never taken long to get into the hang of things. This affix does X, that affix does Y, so on so forth, the higher the key, the more affixes (up to 4) and the more powerful the enemies / less forgiving mistakes are for mechanics. Thats just my input on the matter, perhaps someone else would beg to differ.
Your best bet will be to invite my experienced friends. If you have 393 ilvl you should at least be able to farm +11s and craft your 405 gears, but learning each dungeon on your own is not going to be fun, especially as a low IO DPS.