How do I get into Mythic+ for the first time?

So, my main is a ilvl 393 BM Hunter. I mostly raid the Vault for my endgame activity.

I have been playing WoW since launch day 2004.

I have NEVER played a single M+ dungeon. I have only done the M0’s for the weeklies and whatnot.

Where do I begin? How does it even work?

I know there are keys, but how do I get them? Do I just do M0, then M1, then M2, etc… all in the same dungeon over and over again until I can’t get any higher?

How hard is it to get into a Mythic+ group without any keys or experience?

I’m basically just doing some forum recon right now to get an idea to see if it’s even worth it. Thanks


Just start at twos and work your way up.


Create a group listing and invite your perfered team, its that easy


You get a key from running a zero/someone else’s key or from speaking to the NPC in front of the portals to the right of the big staircase (leading up to the Seat of the Aspects) in Valdrakken.

You can start a group or join groups in the finder. Start with 2s as another poster said and work your way up as you feel comfortable. With your ilvl you shouldn’t have a hard time getting into low keys at all, and that will build up your score for higher keys.

Watch or read a guide on the dungeon so you know the mechanics. Watch or read a guide about the affixes as you work your way up. They add on as you go up in key level, first one affix, then two, then the seasonal as well at 10+. These change weekly, so always check your M+ screen (press “I” or open the dungeon finder tool, then use the tabs at the bottom to check mythic progress) and know what you’re going into each week.

That’s it tbh. The rest is experience.


Yoy can get a key from mythic 0. There no mythic +1
So start at 2 then i beleive you get your key at the end and keepngping from there


So does 1 key work for any dungeon? Or does each dungeon have it’s own key progression?

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Each dungeon has its own key, the key you get will tell you which dungeon it’s for.


Getting into M+ is super easy. Just grab a key, post it in group finder, pick some people and go. But, the real question is, do you want to do that?

If you have never done M+ before, it would be ideal if you can do it with a full/partial guild group and have them show you the ropes. If you will be pugging it by yourself, then be ready to go through a lot of ups and downs. Mostly downs.

Lastly, I would recommend reading M+ dungeon guides so you know the important trash and boss abilities.


Once you do a single M0 or Mythic Dungeon OR complete a Mythic+ dungeon using someone else’s key, you’ll receive a key of your own. That key will state what dungeon it’s for and what level.

If you choose to start a group, it should auto-populate with that key level :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about your gear - I’ve got about the same level of gear and am doing +13s-15s - it’s all about doing the mechanics, not dying, and killing the enemies you need to.

Good luck, you’ll have struggles, but I believe you’ve got this :slight_smile:


Do yourself a favor and don’t.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Both things, sort of. A key is only good for one dungeon, but the dungeon it’s good for changes after every run.

Hypothetical situation:

You run Nokhud zero.
You get a +2 Ruby Life Pools key.
You run the key and finish with enough time left on the clock to get a +++, this means you now have a +5 Azure Vault.
You run the +5 AV. You don’t finish it in time, so now you have a +4 Shadowmoon.
You run the +4 Shadowmoon and barely finish in time, now you have a +5 Halls.

And so on.


the other advice i’d add here is: if you run into people you enjoy playing with, send them a friend request. pugging can be very hit or miss. having a group of people you know and like playing with (they do not have to be “friends”, you do not have to exchange christmas cards) makes m+ so much less stressful as you get into higher keys :slight_smile:


This post is gonna retread ground that others have already covered, but I’m gonna cover it again anyway.

  1. Complete any Dragonflight dungeon at +0 difficulty. This means set the dungeon to mythic difficulty and then complete it. This will give you a Mythic Keystone. (One can also be obtained from finishing someone else’s key.)

  2. Your Mythic Keystone will contain three things: a dungeon, a level, and affixes. The dungeon is selected randomly, the level will most likely be 2 or 3, and the affixes are static, only changing every Tuesday with the weekly reset.

  3. To start Mythic+, enter the dungeon listed on your keystone on Mythic difficulty with your group, interact with the Font of Power near the entrance (it’s always located before the first trash pack), and click the start button.

  4. Try to complete the dungeon within the time limit. If you succeed, you get a higher level key for a random dungeon. If you finish the dungeon too slowly, you get a lower level key for a random dungeon. If you don’t complete the dungeon at all, you get a key for the same dungeon that’s one level lower.


ok, thank you. This really helps!


Have fun with the content and please let us know how it went.

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It is very difficult to get into even some lower M+ keys without any experience. You basically have to make your own group and use your own key. This is basically what I did until I had enough mythic dungeon score to get invited to higher keys. It took until I had a few +10s under my belt. Here are some tips:

  1. ALWAYS invite at least one player with a bloodlust. This can be a shaman, a mage, an evoker, or even a hunter (though it is more difficult for hunters so I avoid placing that expectation on them and only ask them if I can’t find anyone else with a lust).

  2. Hold off on inviting dps immediately once you get into the higher keys. You only really need 350 gear to time anything from a +2-+6, but obviously invite whoever has the highest ilvl in queue. Once you get to 9s and 10s, don’t invite DPS until you have a tank or a healer, unless one with really high score or DPS joins the queue (I’m talking 1000+ score and 380+ gear). Otherwise, wait until you have a healer or a tank, because as soon as you have a healer or tank in queue it is going to fill up extremely quickly with people who have very high score and gear because they want to get into a group without waiting for a tank/healer. You will have many more dps to choose from once you have a tank in your group.

  3. It might be tempting, but don’t invite the first tank who joins the queue in higher keys (talking 9-10+) even if you have been waiting for a while. Waiting an extra 5 minutes for a tank with decent ILVL and like 1000±1200+ dungeon score is going to waste much less time than a tank with no score bricking your key because they don’t know how to press shield block. Routes aren’t as important this expansion, but you would be surprised how many tanks just don’t know how not to vastly overpull, don’t use cooldowns, or don’t use active mitigation at lower scores.

  4. Even on lower keys, try to get at least one melee with decent score. Melee have an easier time interrupting, and while ranged have historically had an easier time doing uninterrupted damage, it is less the case this expansion and it is always good to have -at least- one melee.


Heh. I just went through this a week ago pushing up this toon. You won’t even get invited to 2s as a DPS without IO. I was straight up declined from probably 2 dozen +2s, gear wasn’t awful either… it was right around heroic ilvl.

I had to get a tank buddy to queue with me. The other option is to push up your own key. Once you get some IO you can start getting invited.

Mythic plus is basically like mythic 0 only the difficulty scales up.

Mechanics become more punishing. Damage taken goes up etc. You’re also on a timer, so mistakes become more costly.

As you start to get in the higher level keys, things like interrupting certain things becomes vital. Standing in bad stuff will get you killed pretty quickly in Keys 12+. It’s not too bad below that.

Getting into groups as a dps can be somewhat challenging, as there as far more dps applying to groups than healers / tanks. Fastest way to get into a group as dps is to make the group, but then that requires a little bit of knowledge about Mythic Plus in the first place, so it’s kind of a catch-22.

gonna be weird since youre starting already relatively geared.
i guess hop in a bunch of +10s and see how it feels from there.

thing is ppl are not gonna be eager to invite you since you got no score.
might have to start from lower ones.

I would start at sub 10’s and work your way up. your experience & knowledge of these dungeons & their affixes will play a huge part in your success season to season…your gear will only take you so far :nerd_face:

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