How do I get dispose of Heart of Azeroth?

Can’t destroy, vendor, or stuff it in void storage (Which just cost me 100g to find out.)
Is this thing going to eat a bag slot forever?

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Unfortunately, thanks to BFA’s mechanics. The Heart of Azeroth is essential to interface with some content in that expansion… So yes. You may need the Heart at somepoint. Therefore you aren’t allowed to delete it. :unamused:

Buy some Lightless Silk bags, put them in your bank as additional bank slots. Plenty of room for all your stuff that blizzard makes you keep.


oops, forgot abut the bank. Lots of free space there. Now it’s in my junk drawer…


I still have my Heart. A bunch of Iron Horde Scraps. My Artifact weapons, my Legendaries from Legion, and every shirt from free shirt day. So I feel ya

PSA: Now that we can hide chestpieces, All the shirts from the “Free Shirt Day” holiday are amazing transmog options.


maybe one day they’ll figure out how to code it away like the old ‘key ring’ bag slot


:rofl: My ‘junk drawer’ as you call it, is almost full of mats I use constantly, that don’t fit in my resource materials tab. Much of it is from the current xpac, but I still make 32 slot bags for folks and I need some of the cloth from BfA still as well.

I just have one wish: that all mat items have an ID (number or alpha character) so we know which xpac its from. As it is now, I have some things for enchanting that I use once a year for holidays, but have to search for it because its not easily identifiable from everything else.


This annoys me too. Void storage is a waste and needs turned into a server-wide bank we can use for both factions on that server that stores anything BoA and BoE that we want.


As someone who came from a game where the bank was limitless, I wished Blizz would loosen that restriction. The bank space is laughable (not counting the additional bags). But well, I tend to save too many things as well.


The addon Altoholic, has a feature where it list what expansion the crafting item is from, and what profession uses it.


Another reason why this character never completed the quest as it is still with Diamond Dwarf

You should be able to get rid of the shirts.

If they’re in your appearance tab, you’ll still be able to mog them.

It pretty much lost its entire purpose when the appearance tab became a thing.


I just like having them. I get a chuckle each time one of my bank bags is mysteriously full of shirts.

3 old iPhones with dead batteries, broken charger cable, little caesar’s flyer, 1/2 empty pack of dentine ice, aaaand the heart of azeroth.



You know when they do allow us to delete or vendor, that’s when I shall complete the quest.

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Even if you can discarded it it will come back like a ghost to haunt you,I have a trinket I did just that for more room in my bag,it came back three times.

It isn’t just the heart. Many old legendaries don’t have a vendor price so I just bank 'em until the day comes along they add a vendor price to them. Exception being my enchanters that DE them. I also keep grey novelty items in the bank. Pretty soon I will need 64 slot bags to expand the bank.


If you ever do content outside of SL, it’s the one of the strongest items available.