How do I get Deadmines in Dungeon Finder?

Deadmines is not in the dungeon finder for my Lvl 19 Hunter.

I read something about talking to Chromie, but I cannot find her anywhere in Stormwind.

Can we queue for Deadmines in the Dungeon Finder?

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There is another thread on this somewhere, someone said it erroneously shows up on the DF like at level 15-16, which I confirmed. Someone suggested it will be fixed with a patch someday, MOP at the latest.

It’s concerning that if the devs were taking this seriously, as the best and most iconic low level dungeon, they should have hotfixed it already?

that would be Wailing Caverns

Chromie is in retail. You can can only get deadmines at 15 or 16. It’s been that way since Cata launched. It’s a bug that has never been fixed.

Ok, but I said “best and most iconic”. Wailing is what I’ll do if I ever roll a horde and have to adventure in gross, yucky caves.

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Its not a bug its a feature!

They wanted the experience to match the name. With only lvl 15 and 16 getting in, it truely becomes a dead mining dungeon.


I don’t see it on the list at 20…