How do I contact support?

I’ve been trying for the last 30 minutes to open a ticket for a problem one of my character’s is having and it keeps looping me to irrelevant categories.

What is the issue maybe we can help.

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One of my Druids can’t use the portals in the Emerald Dreamway. Dreamgrove is nonresponsive also, NPCs won’t interact, mission board isn’t clickable. I don’t have any quests in Dalaran either. My main druid everything is fine.

Thats usualy due to a questing issue not progressing far enough on the legion quest line I think.


Yeah I figured that but I don’t see any quests to pick up other than regular quests not related to the class hall. I’ve gotten Argus and the Broken Shore unlocked and working on this character but no class hall. I think it’s broken.

Did u start the legion returns quest line from the warboard or chromie time.

I picked up the quest from the warboard and chose the option to skip as I’ve done it all on my main. I didn’t think this would break the Dreamway portals tho.

Ok so what happens when u try to go thru the portals.

Literally nothing, character walks through and goes nowhere from either direction. Even the now portal for Amirdrassil/Bel’Ameth doesn’t work.

Just to rule it out have u tried a FULL UI reset not the same as disabling or uninstalling the addons.


Did you do the starting quests for the Artifact and the Druid Class Hall once you arrived in Dalaran?

The skip only covers the quests that happen prior to getting to Dalaran.

What quests are in your quest log?

Druid Class Hall campaign quests:

The very first Druid quest you would have been given upon arrival in Dalaran:


I can try it on another PC with a fresh install

Fresh install is a bit extreme the reset is same thing.

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I tried to share a screenshot of my quest log but this forum won’t allow it.

Going to look for that NPC in Dalaran right now.

He’s not there. I’ll go through the things you linked. Thanks

Showing images is a Forum Trust Level 3 perk, but you can still post the link by just highlighting it in your post and putting punctuation marks at the front and end of it. Then we can just copy/paste the link to look at the screenshot.

The link would be show like this example of the image I posted above:

ht tps://ww w.dro pbox. co m/scl/fi/i0z1358z7n3k0frypwgq9/Quests.png?rlkey=9c38iyrycuk470zx2zjokenot&dl=0

remove the spaces

Okay it could be that you started the quest chain but left off in the middle of it.

Do any of those campaign quests in the link I posted earlier help your Druid find their way?


Yeah if the portals aren’t active it just means that you haven’t gained proper access to the Dreamgrove. One of my alt druids can’t use them either since I’ve never done the questline on him.

Do you have trivial quest markers turned on? That may help you find what you need to do.


Just to clarify this part: this would be considered a game hint. GM’s are not allowed to give game hints, which is why you are being redirected to sources who can answer your questions much faster than if a GM would give you the “we cannot assist” response.

While the frustration is completely understandable, it’s trying to give you the correct path forward.

Same thing here. Being “broken” is always a possibility, but that would need to placed into the Bug Report Forum. There is a extremely narrow set of circumstances that allow a GM to assist with bugs, but it would be situations where the developers have allowed GM’s to intervene. This is not likely to be one of them.

This would be the overall issue. The Emerald Dreamway is related to the Druid class hall, so if you haven’t started the class hall questlines, then the Emerald Dreamway portals would be unavailable.

For Legion, the skipping would only skip the first scenario and put you in Dalaran. You should find “A Summons To Moonglade”, but if you don’t, just head to Moonglade itself to start the questline (remember, druids should have a port directly to Moonglade).

As said above, having trivial quest tracking on may help, but if you are level 10, it shouldn’t matter at this point. Doesn’t hurt.


What level does the spell say you need to be to use the Moonglade spell; In your spell book?
I believe it was 18 awhile ago. That is just a normal spell to go there.

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