How do i beat this honestly?

you’re going to keep losing to bad players playing badly because you don’t understand the game and that’s fine

the game will get a LOT easier for you when you find a random 1500 hpriest or a half sentient rdruid


or you can just keep talking out your rear end and not back anything up

Asks for advice > is given advice by way more experienced players > proceeds to complain about advice and trashtalk said players. Yep.


said ty to those who gave advice, the ones who are just smart ar$#s “hurr Destro lock complaining lol ez29004hED” i talk smack to

ur senile old man


idk why this made me laugh.

i just picture void walker saying “Dude,wtf?”

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Is this thread trying to say that destro is not op?


I just realized after me and Lent qued up I might q into Lord Hellizone now as I effortlessly got to his rating (for like the 80th time this patch) as a far less viable spec, inc hot series against the destro mies himself and he will make forum post about how ret is really op.

You summon voidwalker and put it on the DK pet since the DK pet will never be peeled and VW will never stop targeting it like it would a player that is feared.

It’s a gimmick and you have a non-talented way to counter it.

Immolate doesn’t give the haste buff from its initial damage, though. Only the first dot tick gives FP.

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Have you guys ever heard of a “post turtle.”?

It is when you’re driving down a road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle. You know he didn’t get up there by himself. He doesn’t belong there; you wonder who put him there; he can’t get anything done while he’s up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down.

That is Murk and Hellizone as warlocks.


that was creative. thanks for sharing your, story…

Q something less obnoxious than destro mw and maybe the rng q Lord will give you something less obnoxious to fight

… Or Q 3s

But then you fight Destro 80% of the time.

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Thats funny i vs more melee cleaves in 3’s. Barely see destros

if you’re interested in actual information

here’s a spread of about 67 games on a few of my characters between 2150 and 2550 since the vendors release

of those 67 games something like 56 of them are warlock teams
that means roughly 83%!!! of games i’ve played there’s a warlock on the other team


added a cleave counter for you too murk :))
in 70 games there were 4 cleaves :))


That actually is odd to me. When i do verse other casters it IS warlock more than anything else (healers not included ofc) but yeh majority of my games are melee cleaves or RMP. No jokes

it’s cause your mmr sucks

bad players usually default to playing cleaves

it’s much easier to accomplish low tier goals playing a cleave since there’s often less game knowledge required

right now a destro with 0 game knowledge and 0 gear is able to get much higher than you are now though so you dont see them much being stuck down there

Ok so if 0 is the bottom and that can get higher than me, what does that mean for me? Your weird statistics and made up numbers make no sense dude. You just sound salty when you say things like this

that you’re awful at the game and every time you complain you’re wrong

i linked you real screenshots of my reflex ??
56 warlocks out of 69 games isn’t made up
and that’s 83% of games above 2200 being warlocks isn’t a made up statistic albeit a small sample size it’s a factual experience with proof LOL