I was on WrA for years before transferring all my toons to Stormrage Every time I make a toon there Alliance side now, it’s always completely dead. Maybe I just log in at weird times. I’m usually all alone in the zone though.
Who sells bagels?
Oh that’s right. Pretzels… right? By the Naaru whichever it is it’s just flippin bread.
Same here. I mean, I know Alliance side RP exists on WrA… but I never see it. Stormwind is a ghost town.
Me neither. This is just a trolling thread. It’s really quiet and peaceful for Horde on Moonguard, since there’s so few of us. We all know that the pervs hang out in Goldshire. There is no Horde equivalent to Goldshire.
Did you choose a feminine name? If you do that’s your own fault. At that point you’re just asking for it.
I don’t think he actually has any characters on Moonguard.
Oh so women are just asking for it based on their name and what how they’re dressed?
Let’s stop with the victim blaming here.
I did not say that. You have the choice to not let it happen to you, whereas the example you provided it’s more difficult to avoid.
That sounds exactly like telling women how they should dress. Very sexist.
It is so peaceful! When I get a bit overwhelmed on my main server it is nice to flip over there for a bit. The lack of seeing anyone while in the world allows a more immersive experience. Lol that and my toons there are broke so no flying for them yet.
Not really. I’m saying creeps will be creeps regardless of who’s playing behind the computer. But, if you choose to roll a female char with a female name, knowing exactly what would happen, then yes, you’re asking to be harassed.
I’d be willing to bet he doesn’t even play the game anymore. He likes to make these troll threads. His toon has been deleted so no one can look him up in the armory and he tries way too hard to be controversial. Eh w/e gives me something to do during downtime at work.
ETA oops nm he can actually be found again!
I don’t have to imagine it. I do play on Moonguard.
It’s actually a great server to have toons of both factions, because as Alliance I can invite friends and alts from horde-dominated realms to do warmode stuff, while as horde I turn off warmode and just tag the stuff the alliance are killing.
Unless you are hanging around wayfarer’s on Silvermoon I reaaaaaallly doubt your story OP. Sounds more like another “hurr durr moonguard erp” troll thread.
Well there’s your problem.
That sounds a a lot like “If you chose to wear a skirt out at night…”
Very sexist of you.
A lot of good points in here. I’d suggest using the DND feature (Do Not Disturb).
Just type /dnd (some kind of message like “I don’t want to ERP.”)
It’s not going to stop people from addressing you, but it could help alleviate the stress of repeatedly telling them off.
I can honestly say on all my Moonguard characters over the years I have never once been solicited by a stranger to erp.
You wouldn’t last one sec in the cut throat pretzel world.