Don’t play on moonguard if you’re playing horde. Population is dead and the few people that are there are weirdos. Go Wyrmrest Accord for Horde.
Uh WoW is actually ESRB rated for Teen.
I seen things done to my player home…
I don’t blame people either. My TRP says “No ERP.”
But I do blame Kurt for making a troll thread, knowing full well what this crap about MG does. And he clearly doesn’t play there, because roleplayers know MG is more Alliance for RP and you go to WrA for Horde RP. He just wants to irritate people.
I didn’t go to Penn State, so… LOL
I’m not the one calling out an entire server by posting false information and trying to rile people up.
But enjoy your twisted view of things. It’s what you’re best at!
Wait I’m on wra but i mostly see alliance over horde…
Alliance on WrA is larger than Horde side RP on MG.
When MG first launched, it was Horde heavy. But most moved to WrA when that server launched.
If people ask where to go for Horde side RP, most usually answer with WrA. MG is mostly Alliance RP. But that doesn’t mean Alliance WrA is dead or anything.
Alliance forum guild used to be there.
Only thing I know about the joint is that it is mostly horde.
I haven’t had any issues since I boosted this character on MG last summer. I usually just keep to myself but I have been known to hang out in the Cathedral courtyard on occasion.
I stand corrected there, but it still is listed for suggestive themes. Hell just listen to some of the /flirt options.
Point is you should know what you’re getting into
Kurtloder, go back to selling your stale pretzels and leave the trolling to people that know what they are doing.
Online interactions not rated by the ESRB.
Good point
Added an option that you missed. Yes it would be a WMD attack on the Alliance… but I’m pretty sure even the Alliance would be thankful for this one.
MG is my go to RP server and I have never had that issue on any toon I made and even quest in the human area.(I make it a point not to hang out too long in Goldshire though.)
Stay out of well known erp areas I guess?
That point also means it isn’t rated M for mature either like you claimed.
It just means they don’t rate online actions. The game itself is rated T.
Tell them you are Kurtloder from GD.
People know me. I do big things.
Bagels are not big.