How do i Avoid "Convoke the Spirits" as a Warrior?

And lets not forget the Druid its not Alone.

Even if we manage to pop all our defensives and stuff and survive the Convoke, there is still the Druid’s partner. Lets says a Sub-rogue or Ret-paladin.

How do we survive then, if we used all our defensives against the druid?

Probably stay in Prot stance and lay into the drood.


Doesn’t matter how good of a Warrior you are when the druids can delete you with a single push of a button.

When even top AWC players have problems dealing with it, we know you’re just a troll.

No ability should be this deadly in PvP.

I bet you PvP as a Prot Paladin and think it’s fine that GoaQ works on the NF Seed too.

Then to rogue/ww will munch you.

It’s idiocy to not pretend PvP is a broken mess right now and it’s mostly because of Convoke, Seeds, and 4 other broken specs.

True. I guess counter-play in that scenario is don’t trinket and lol whilst they fail to target it you if they accidentally do that lol.

Although it’s usually the other way. Mass Entangle, Silence the healer. Then when you use Convoke it focuses on a smaller target group.

That’s assuming you don’t get full mooned during the charge animation lol.

Also assuming the druid isn’t BoPed
Also assuming the druid isn’t aura mastery’d

It’s a 4 second channel. Everyone knows what balance druid is trying to do. Combine that with a spell alert… might be an actual git gud issue.

You realise it’s doing the damage while channeling right ?

It’s literally an insta cast single button gib.

I’m not saying that though. I’m suggesting to the OP what their best options of possibly surviving are. Whether something is broken or not doesn’t help since balancing patches probably aren’t coming out during a PvP tourny…so folks just have to deal with the current scenario the best they can.

Most people “suggesting” counters are literally being apologists for this mess.

It’s just not OK.

That’s something that has to change.

Blizzard can’t leave this game a broken mess over eSports. We shouldn’t tolerate that. You shouldn’t be making apologies for that.


I’m literally not though.


it’s rng too. Full moon casts are rare and it critting even rarer. I’ve had druids get a full convoke off, sometimes it does more heals then damage spells, and sometimes it targets pets/other players splitting the damage.

Imagine being this delusional and cheering for the game being this broken.

It does 4 spells every second during that 4s for a total of 16 spells.
It’s not simply a case of “you have 4s to react” within 2s you have more than likely been hit with 2 x 18k Starsurges.

To be fair though it’s a lot higher investment to defend against it than it is to use. Multiple people potentially have to use defensives/trinkets and then ontop of that realistically due to the reaction speed you need to have to make using those defensives proactively.

So you can quite easily be baited by a Convoke without Celestial Alignment active (since you can’t realistically take that split second to see that they have it active and then defensive), which allows the Druid to then follow up with a Celestial Convoke which you simply don’t have defensive options for later on.

Not to mention the dreaded triple Druid comps which require you to have an immunity for or just die. Which honestly would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad that it happens.

Imagine a DK that can’t save a ranged interrupt for a 4 second channeled spell on a 2 min cd.

Now imagine a DK that can’t pop anti-magic shell if he can’t be bothered to be smart enough to manage his intterupt.

Did you imagine it?

It’s you by the way.


Just to be fair, Anti-magic shell is laughable, doesn’t block even half the damage of something that hits big.

To be fair, the answers you have received so far have been related to “how to counter Convoke”. However it has just been brought to my attention that the thread is “how to avoid convoke” not how to counter it.

So to that I give you the ultimate answer. To avoid Convoke the Spirits as a Warrior you right click the eye next to the mini map and choose the option to leave the arena.
Doing this during the preparation phase of the arena has a 100% guarantee to completely avoid Convoke the Spirits as a Warrior.

You can thank me later.

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It doesn’t help that Hpal is on every comp because it’s so broken, and Boomies are just getting Boped while they convoke. zzzz

Someone: just interrupt it lol

Me: stunned, trinket, pop defensives, stunned again, dead through defensives before the second, DR’d stun ends

Wow gg such counterplay much skill

Yeah, let me sit on my interrupt, let all the heals and cyclones and roots go out until my healer is just mass CC’ed and Convoke is out of range my Mind Freeze.

The thing that Convoke chunks in the first 0.25 seconds ? What do I do for the other 15 ticks ?

I can’t even imagine level 10 forum trolls dying on this hill, yet here you are.