How do I add a WoW account to my account?

In the spirit of classic I was wanting to resurrect my original vanilla wow account. As far as I know this account predates the system, but I can’t find anything about linking/merging old WoW accounts that works.

You could probably submit a ticket to see if it can be recovered. You’d want to be sure you remember enough information to find it, and be willing to show proof of ownership, but I’ve heard about people getting their super old accounts back.

Live chat would likely work best.


I would recommend chatting into billing to assist with that Luph if the account is not linked to a b net account there used to be a ‘merge account’ option but it appears to no longer be there. When it was it was as simple as clicking, signing in and poof it was on the b net account.


None of my characters reflected “achievements” accomplished before the onset of the “achievement” system because I transferred servers twice before they started the achievement page. Two years not reflected.

Okay… Not sure what this has to do with the OP, but yes anything done before the achievement system is very hit or miss. From what the Blues here have said the game ran a script to see what had been done by looking for key things, some things were unfortunately missed. There really isn’t anything that can be done about it though.


plus most of the ones from before Achievements were added are now ‘feats of strength’ and don’t even add to point total.


We used to have a page that allowed players to merge their old World of Warcraft licenses with a account, but it was taken down not that long ago for two reasons. First, it caused a lot of confusion from folks who thought it meant they could merge two WoW licenses into a single WoW account. Second, the original merges were introduced back in 2009 and the majority of accounts that would have merged by now already have merged. Leaving the one offs, like yours, that it tends to be easier to handle manually.

If you open a ticket our Support staff should be able to help hunt down the account and get you squared away. :slight_smile:


I don’t think you have any hope of doing that. I started playing in 2005, transferred realms 2 times for heroic raiding purposes (pre-invention of mythic), changed name on priest two times, and all of the achievements from that time period are LOST.