How do fresh 80's get to the Maw?

Currently starting Shadowlands from the initial quest in Stormwind or Org is bugged, once past the Maw (either playing through or taking the skip option) puts the player in a weird phase of Oribos with many NPCs missing or in the wrong place, and no ability to continue the campaign or take the skip.

And AFAIK Blizzard has never stated that they intended to remove the option to skip the leveling campaign - only that the sub 60 leveling option ‘Threads of Fate’ from when SL was current content was being removed.

Threads of Fate was the option which allowed players who had completed the leveling campaign on a previous character to choose a covenant up front and then level doing stuff like WQ in each zone instead of requiring every character to play through the campaign to level from 50-60 during SL.

This option was removed when DF dropped as SL was moved into Chromie Time, and thus players could level to 60 by playing any of the Chromie Time content.