How do fresh 80's get to the Maw?

Since Threads of Fate was intentionally completely removed, how does a fresh 80 get to the Maw? Do I have to do the entire SL campaign? I want a Mawrat pet for my 80 Dracthyr Hunter (for the matching horns and snout). When I jump into the Maw, she gets teleported out and dazed, and she has no access to Korthia to try to get there that way.

So, is there anyway to get to the Maw on fresh 80’s without having to do the whole stupid campaign?

Edit: Link to Threads of Fate removal:


Sorry don’t have the answer but following this as I think someone said the SL skips were messed up since patch 11.0.5

Unless there’s some questline you need done (which is possible) you should be able to enter The Maw jumping down the portal in the middle of Oribos

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Yeah id give it a few days or if you dont mind do the level up campaign to unlock it like you would have in shadowlands. It shouldnt take that long on a max level dracthyr with their flight mode

When I try that my character gets teleported out and dazed.

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Oh shoot… Sorry I wish I could be of more help. I’d be puzzled at what to do at that part as well

Might have to check WoWHead (which sucks cause the website is like a maze to navigate)

When you go and accept the quest “Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons” are you talking to the NPC to Skip after that? This would be for a character that has never done Shadowlands.

I tried that, too, and as best as I can figure out they’re also stumped. I was hoping someone here might know.

Thank you for trying! <3

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Hello rat!


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When you pick the skip now, you’re teleported to Oribos and nothing happens. The NPC guards are stuck in a hostile pose and Fatescribe Roh-Tahl doesn’t show up.

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Aren’t you that one Zandalari guy from the other day, Mr Scaley?

No problem… I’m wondering if it could be bugged as well. Maybe open a ticket. Unless you find someone here with the answer ofc

Good luck, dear

That’s why I’m asking if you chose the skip after turning that quest in. My memory may be fuzzy and I apologize but iirc, the beginning of Shadowlands does indeed take you to the Maw, because right after all that you are talking to an NPC about how you did indeed escape the Maw.

I’m just thinking that it may be shorter to not skip and go directly to the Maw.

A week or 2 ago now I was successful in using Threads of Fate on 3 new 80’s, that had never been to Shadowlands, then the next day, a Tuesday, the day we could finally learn class mogs, it was shut off.

I’ve not tried since as like most, I do not want to have to do all that campaign again, ever.

The Maw though, that could be quicker for collecting a pet, I just don’t recall what the phasing was like and if there was any “out of bounds” rule for exploring to get that particular pet.


Curious if a lock in a party could summon you to the maw?

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I faction changed my Shaman, who could get into the Maw just fine prior, and after the change, was getting teleported out of the Maw.

Buggy garbage.

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Sorry, I misunderstood. I wish I’d known before skipping that this would happen.

Thank you for trying to help! <3

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For science, I’m going to see what happens …

Edit: What is the name of the pet?

As many have suggested, I submitted an in-game ticket and a post on the bug report forum.

Thank y’all for trying to help! It doesn’t seem there’s a way around this at this point. Hopefully someone with a fresh 80 that wants to go to the Maw reads this before choosing the skip.

Edit: Someone posted on another thread that choosing the campaign has the same result. Yikes. I hope they fix this sooner rather than later.

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If this is an alt, take the initial Shadowlands summons quest and when you turn it in, skip the intro to Oribos. Accept the campaign skip option when you arrive in Oribos. Complete the choose a Covenant quest; at that point you can activate the Zereth Mortis portal skip. For the Maw / Korthia, you actually need to finish I think 2 chapters of your Covenant campaign through the initial Venari quests; then you can skip to the Korthia portal from Bolvar.

Ok, so, as I said, for science I would see what happened.

Fresh toon (made this week) and leveled to 80 via TW.

Accepted first quest, took around 5 (3:32 actually)minutes maybe to get to the Maw, trouble is, once you get there you are restricted to the very first area. Perdition Hold is blocked off by a gate and The Beastwarrens, the bridge is out.

I can not see a way around this apart from doing all the parts that take you to the Maw to open it up. Sorry.

This is no longer an option. It was removed in DF, then at some point it was returned and last week (ish) was disabled again.


Shadowlands is not on the warboard. Darion Mograine gives you the starting quest, he’s on the stairs of Stormwind Keep for Alliance and in Valley of Strength for Horde outside of the throne room. There are no longer skips. You have to run the whole campaign on all new characters. If you already started, you can Portal to Oribos from capital city portal rooms, and fly to Bastion to pick up where you left off.

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lol I am ! No idea how to change my avatar here , thought it was funny to see you on the forums as well, I always stumble upon you haha