How do alliance hang in there random bgs?

When I queue on my alliance char, even though the time is so short, I basically am expecting a loss . My horde toon I know the chances are much higher for a win, so I actually enjoy the bg.

How do alliance soldier on through this? premades? There is only so much kicking in the shins you can take before throwing in the towel.

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I play my Alliance alts for the BG chat memes :ok_hand:t2: The salt is delicious in a losing BG.

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I lose just as may bgs horde side as I do Alliance side. This nothing more than an old wives tell that’s been told for 15 years.


I’m the same way, Alliance epics are still fun even during losses just due to all the raging/tilting that goes on in the bg chat. Horde’s bg chat is pretty boring in comparison.

Its true. For random BGs Alliance doesn’t lose anymore than the Horde does. The difference though, Alliance don’t know how to lose gracefully. When things start going down hill on Alliance, it becomes a sheet show real fast lol


Alliance give up in chat after first flag cap. Horde on the other hand call everyone trash when their losing. Most in this game need to learn how to be humble in victory and defeat.


ehhh I’ve seen both sides call each other trash, but never on Horde side have I seen the team so defeated before the gates even open lmao.

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I would like to disagree with this, but I can’t. Every bg I play in I’m play my heart out till the bitter end. I’ve seen so many times were a come back is made in WSG after going down two flags. Best feeling in the game comes after a come back victory.


I’ve been trying to find at least one other person to queue with using LFG before I enter a BG. It definitely helps. I’m also incredibly stubborn, so giving up isn’t really an option.

People give up easily for Alliance because of everyone calling the Alliance trash, and people falling prey to that mentality. It’s a disease. The Alliance isn’t trash. I don’t believe it’s much different than Horde. People just need to show up to play. That’s it. Even losses don’t feel so bad when people actually try.


By being good enough to carry.

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ever consider that this is affecting the outcome of your matches?


This above is an unique alliance phenomenon.


Just got out of a Korrak where alliance did not take one tower or GY even temporarily .I couldn’t even find the majority of their players , I even went south to search for them :man_shrugging:t4:

What’s your point? Before the zerg strat took over, I won games as Alliance that took two hours long, with long pushes all the way south.

My point is alliance have given up , not even trying . WTF

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What does that have to do with what I said?

60 to 120 only via KR.

32 games , 23 wins .

And that’s my third toon at 120!!.. woo hoo.

Idk but when I queue merc I have the same win rate as when I’m horde.


Very well said.

I used to play horde on Illidan but transferred to Alliance for raiding. The random epic BG takes hours to complete. My win ratio is 30% or less. I think I have to create a horde toon to play. It just takes too much time to conquest cap.