How did you pick your main?

Asked my Girlfriend to pick a second toon to level. She told me to pick this Warlock, and I had a good time with it.

Destro is great

Prior to MoP I think my main was my draenei hunter, I just loved hunters, being ranged, taming and using a cool pet of my choice AND being able to name it. I had a lot of fun doing that.
MoP comes, I like the look of the pandaren and love the idea of monks, just a chill, leveled vibe, and made one. Really dug the gameplay, the rolling, being able to heal myself and stay alive in a lot of situations. Things have changed a little over the years talent wise, but this guy has remained my alliance main since then. He does the vast majority of my achievs and pet battle stuff and is the first one through the story. I still love the monk vibe and have a few other races, but this is my alliance main by far.
Needless to say, I’m still having fun.
I have a lot of alts, and my horde main changes when a different xpac comes out, but this guy is my main…main. :smiley:

When I first started back around the end of Classic, I chose warrior. I loved it. She stayed my main up through WotLK. Then I got sick of tanking, and the guild I was in wasn’t in support of me changing to DPS so I switched completely and went to a hunter.

Years went by and I yo yo’d back and forth between classes until Legion when I rolled this guy and fell in love with rogueing.

I dunno if I’ll ever go to anything else but that’s what I said about the warrior.

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fire and frost just got a bump!!! arcane is so lazy

Due to old age, arthritis and stroke, I main a Hunter, but I’m currently having fun on this Demon Hunter.

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I played EverQuest from ‘99 to ‘04 and never rolled a Ranger. Decided that’s what I wanted in WoW.


My favorite character in WoW was/is Paladin.
Until Blizzard completely ruined it when they added the HoPo nonsense.

And since most Classes right now use a CP variant I don’t have much to choose from.
I don’t have a main character right now. I’m rotating between Mage, Priest and Warrior.

I’m waiting for Blizzard to find a way to design a Class that doesn’t fall into using CP.

Came from Everquest. Played a Monk there. Liked the BM class and the Ranger.

Hunter was all 3 rolled into 1 class. Was an easy call.

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Well, I mained a Beastlord on EverQuest for years, a Beast Mastery Hunter was the closest thing I could get to on this game. Been one for 18+ years now.


Started healing right at the tail end of BC to cover a loss in our raid team.

Paladins and shamans were everywhere. Priest class fantasy never did it for me. So I rolled up a druid, fell immediately in love with the HoT playstyle, and never looked back.

No other healer in any other game has ever felt quite so satisfying, except for maybe the mystic in TERA, but that game was so terrible no amount of fun action-combat healing could make up for it lol.

pick something that’s fun, then have a bunch of alts to mess around on


After having double jump, glide, mastery-fueled movement speed buffs, two dashes, and a back flip it is really hard to go back to any other class.

:deciduous_tree: Tree hugging hippie in real life, so of course it’s Night Elf Druid for main. :deciduous_tree:

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I thought Paladins would be like hammerdins from diablo 2. Finally after 20 years we got blessed hammer. Patience gets rewarded

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I’m sorry, but I just have to say it:

Jacques Derrida was one of the worst things to happen to “intellectual society” in the past 100 years.

Perhaps… but as an architect and academic, his ideas on deconstruction were valuable as teaching tools for other disciplines.

Frank Gehry is one of the reasons I hold that view. :angry:

He does that to people.

Warching an Elemental shaman throw lightning bolts in the Black Temple

Being a shield user with hogh mobility

Keeping people alive in battlwhrounds while also flag-capping.

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Can you say more here?