How did that dafran guy get the beta?

Yes. They could. Now please give me a guess at what that number is. With those exact parameters. Bought every expansion from Vanilla-bfa. Just that parameter. Seriously. How many do you think the are left. Even if it’s only say 30k.(just a number) It’s like a 5-6k closed beta. Everyone was not getting in.
Being mad that the media got invited? Yea I’m mad the press probably get free Superbowl tickets too. At least discounted. Lol.
Dems da breaks. How did i get back in this thread?..grrrr

Who said I was mad that the media got invited? If I was really that bothered by it I would suggest to blizzard that they mail asmongold and other streamers a company shirt that they can wear on stream if they want to give them access in exchange for free advertisement.

So take 1.4 million copies sold by 2006 for vanilla, 3.5 million for burning crusade, 2.8 million for wrath, 3.3 million in cataclysm, 2.7 million for mists of pandaria, 3.3 million warlords of draenor, 3.3 in legion, and 3.4 million for battle for azeroth. They sold 23.7 Million copies of all expansions. If they wanted to give beta access to those that bought all expansions 5% of that would be 118,500 beta access and a big old acti-blizzard server to host it on. O not to mention u have to have an active sub to meet their little criteria so they would make their money back

Have a friend that got in without having an active sub for years. Dem requirements.

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