How did Disc fly below the radar?

Fixed this.

Let’s nerf healers bc we can’t have them having fun, so all the healers hop back on their dps alt and we all enjoy 30 minute q’s bc dps need to score a kill every time they press dps cd or instant satisfaction isn’t claimed and brain rot rage sets in.


Even 1,5 mln shield with Voidweaver is opressive.

This pretty much sums it all up right here lol

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I’d say because pres outshines it big time in pvp

Not sure why we’re bringing voidweaver into this. oracle is the meta, and a 1.5 minute save a player healing CD isn’t entirely unusual.

if you really wanted to nerf priest, you’d probably want to go directly after pws, with it being a low cd instant cast. not rapture. rapture is not getting you that far imo

Lol he said voidweaver. Ight guys im out.

No it’s not. In 2s Voidweaver is better hands down and in 3s Oracle takes over. Literally both hero talents have their use.

Maybe check it first before again bringing “trustmebro dot com” based on your 1k cr experience this season.

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kek. why are you referencing 2s for balance? and its not markedly better than oracle even in 2s.

same. ggs!

Because people are bringing brackets. Disc is insane in any bracket even in RBGs, Blitz and whatever else you do. Saying Disc is fine is just copium. I brought 2s because that’s literally what you play. You didn’t play a single 3v3 game. You’re even playing wrong hero talents for 2s and you still do fine. That’s how balanced Disc is.

By denying the fact Disc is by far the most represented healer and 2 leagues above any other healer that isn’t Presvoker is just making you look silly and biased.

But Pres is getting massive nerfs on Wednesday and Disc gets none. Pres is dealt with already.

Uhm, nah. Blitz is so imbalanced that a big enough comp diff is auto win/loss, especially at higher ratings.

In ELO hell it’s probably not a huge deal if your team has a Rogue and enemy doesn’t in AB or Deepwind but at decent MMR having 1 Rogue is the same as having 1 base because of Rupture spinning so the team with the Rogue gets to send 7 players to play the remaining bases where the other team cannot. That’s an auto win.

Same with MW on FC maps, the team without one simply auto loses once MMR is high enough to ensure the MW is going to FC and knows what they’re doing instead of fighting on roads.

Comp diff is more impactful that strat diff or skill diff in Blitz. Can’t outplay 6 Rolls and a Port to cross the map holding a flag and can’t outplay a Rogue that can outright solo hold a base vs anything.

Mm is absolutely too strong as well, you won’t catch me saying otherwise. Unfortunately for you the little gotcha you attempted doesn’t work as I’m a surv player (which isn’t weak either).

You don’t have to when you give such awful statements.

You’re going to have to explain this one.

Is it though?

Yes. Most of their healing and damage comes from Living Flames and if they are cut by 20% it’s a massive nerf. Probably bringing them to the R Shaman level. Just check their healing/damage breakdown.

Also regarding these Discs whataboutism is strong in them.

Hmm we will have to see, I have been told that the changes don’t do all that much.

Dunno bro, I have 2700 exp Presvoker friend and he says “it will be R Shaman level”. We will see. Maybe they will play other hero talents and be strong. Who knows? At least they are addressed.

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Ok I’ll give you holy pally needs help yet again. The mana management is horrendous

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Incredible. I genuinely do not think it’s possible to die as a disc priest.

I also didn’t think it was possible to be out manad as a disc priest. I think you always get outhealed, but that’s because you’re doing an obscene amount of damage and they HAVE to heal.

It’s like when someone lost to an aff lock and said, “oh, i did 2x the healing of the enemy healer!!! How did i lose?!” That metric doesn’t mean anything if healing doesnt go where it’s supposed to when it’s needed.

At first I thought you were trolling, but it appears that you’re serious o.O

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very minimal pres nerf. lol. still S+, disc will be slightly better tho, since it already semi counters pres

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I mean anyone saying Disc isn’t top tier currently is not playing the same game.

That being said I still stand by my statement of buffing other healers to disc / pres levels. People certainly die when good CC chains are lined up, and this will encourage better use of proper CC chains and less spamming of the micro CC’s (or its my hope).


I agree from a healing perspective, but not a damage one. The pacing of the game is good, even when disc/dragon are & aren’t involved, but no healer should be doing 1/2 to 2/3rds of a dps’s damage.


This is true???