How did Blizzard handle the TBC and Wotlk launches without layering?

Yep it’s a very bad attitude that is a big part of how Blizzard is declining. Their new design philosophy seems to be, “how can we make sure this fails in the smoothest way possible”.

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And you can guarantee that? Or provide statistics on the resubs of people wanting Classic? Or even the actual amount of people who will leave once the nostalgia subsides? Blizzard is planning on a big amount of tourists with a big drop off after the first week or two. They’ve said so. I tend to believe them.

Uh, not listening are we. My account was created November 23rd 2004. I am one of those old timers, and I disagree with the hogwash.

You don’t get to decide what I find entertaining. That’s purely on me.

Meh. It wasn’t about the sitting and clicking. It was about the group of people all clicking. The competition. If you don’t like it, if you don’t want to stand there clicking; you’re going to have to wait a few days for starter zones to clear. Then a few weeks for the escort quests to clear from westfall.

If you don’t enjoy competition, then, This game isn’t for you.

I don’t need to imagine. I can remember. SMH.
People like you would take the mechanical advice of a person who read a thousand books on fixing cars (but has never touched one), over the word of someone who has never read a book but fixed a thousand cars.

Experience is everything. You don’t get to dictate mine.


Statistics point to it being very likely yes. Remember that this is a period of a few weeks and not months. Private servers have had registrations going up to 800k with 300k appearing on launch, twitch numbers have been over 200k, it’s free for any retail with a sub to try, people generally do at least the leveling experience before dropping, and people will be inclined to play for their sub remainder which will be at least a month for most. You can also look at the player numbers for most of existing games out there, check steam charts and even the low games would be too high for Ions promise.

All of this risk and you are harming communities and boosting exploits on top of keeping it in. I met a lvl 1 tauren in mulgore and from meeting him in the world over and over we met irl at lvl 42 and eventually became roommates and also dozens of other people I still keep in contact with from meeting while leveling. I think this is a very important time to build friendships and community and they are going to get rid of this for a handful of smooth launch days?

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300k at launch, where the highest population recorded was just over 15k? That’s a peak of 5% players.

You’re not reading my posts then. I’m not disputing that multi-millions of people will try it. Like Blizzard, I expect maybe 10-25% of those people to remain past a week or two.

Blizzard has said that they’re only going to run up a few layers, and cap the server at that point, based on their metrics so that they have a server that can come back down in a few weeks. So more likely, they’re only going to allow 9k players on a given server in the first week, and add some more servers. Not 100 extra, but maybe up to 50 or at the extreme 70 servers.

What makes you think you won’t do the same thing again? You will have the equivalent of 3000 people on any given layer-pair, and that Level 1 Tauren may be there among the crowd. If you had 9000 people all crowded together, it’s more likely it’ll be a Japanese subway where everyone’s crushed in and no-one communicates because they’re competing for air.

Well, this isn’t 15 years ago anymore. I don’t live at my mom’s house. I have responsibilities outside of work. I’m also a full time adult college student. I have better things to do with my time than wait in queue to play a video game, and then pray that the servers don’t crash, like what the reality of the TBC and Wrath launches were. That’s how Blizzard handled them, they literally COULDN’T. They spent insane amounts of time fixing problems. The first few days were full of crashes. There was one point, I forget if it was an expansion or a patch that the game was pretty much just down for a couple days. I’m not willing to pay for a game I can’t even get logged into, especially now that the issue is completely solved and just being revised to fit with classic.

And yeah, it can be exploited. But that’s exactly why they’re doing a beta test.

Because of the experience with retail I never meet the same player again and I’m tossed into different player clusters with no sense of where or who I’m with in the world. Even with the small amount of players in the beta this has been the case and will be so much worse on the actual launch.

I’ve experienced these crowded areas during launches and it’s healthy for the game. I don’t know why you say nobody communicates because during the wait people group up or find alternatives to overcome the challenge of overpopulated people. Others stop the level race to just talk or smell the roses until things cool down. This has proven to be an effective method as player subs and retention have consistently gone up while this was in place and gone down when it wasn’t. A world being whole and always present is so very important to an mmo and shouldn’t be tampered with.


That’s because of CRZ and not layering. It’s a completely different technology.

No-one outside of inauthentic private servers with dynamic respawns, have experienced 9000 players all hovering over a handful of mobs. You literally cannot have experienced that on a Blizzard server.

That heavy congestion you’ve experienced on Blizzard servers is the 3000 level. Think about that congestion, then triple or quadruple it.

Triple or quadruple the spawn rate. Ends up being the same time spent, without splitting the community up into shards.

No, it really doesn’t.

Catering to this is how retail got to where it was. It shouldn’t be too much to ask that Classic WoW has the same features as classic WoW had. Asking for all these convenience changes is exactly what people want to avoid when they asked for it.

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It’s not about time anyway…

Then why did you bring up it being

but I can call out a bad faith argument when I see one! Just claiming ‘’ I feel X’’ isn’t an irrefutable argument! ( it’s about the worse one you can make actually). And you aren’t the only one that played back in 2004 buddy.

Enjoy the competition? the competition of right-clicking a mob faster than the 9 other people standing next to it? No thanks, I prefer competition over stuff that pose an actual challenge…

And clearly, blizzard feel the same since they are adament about layering.

Why do you ask?

Because I said “Congestion”, you said “Ends up the same time” then “Time doesn’t matter” effectively nullifying your own point.

Or were you just trying to argue?

Yah, I like you. Just wanted some of your attention

Thanks :heart:

oh yeah, actually letting people play the game instead of waiting in queue is what destroyed WoW.

… c’mon… try harder…

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Blizzard is capable of tracking log in processes, it’s built into the game. Sitting in one area and logging in and out five times is evidence.