Reflecting upon the Battle for Darkshore in another thread got me thinking about the strong parallels to the last faction war. It is obvious that Blizzard repeated the same basic narrative, almost beat for beat. To whit:
A warchief with a secret, evil plan launches a sneak attack on an unsuspecting Alliance in Kalimdor and wipes out a major population center. The two sides engage in an escalating war that drags in new allies and wreaks havoc upon their lands. The Horde commits a bunch of terrible war crimes. Horde leadership is increasingly disillusioned with the warchief and begin conspiring to undermine him/her. The warchief attempts to eliminate the non-loyal. The horde rebels finally forge a secret pact with the Alliance to march on Orgrimmar and overthrow the despot. At the end, there is a return to status quo.
Beat for beat, this was almost the exact same plot. And the last faction war was incredibly unpopular with players from both sides, specifically because it turned Horde players into chumps working for a super villain, and then had them attack their own faction, and it set up Alliance players to want a payback they were never going to get.
And this was no secret. Everyone knew why the last faction war didn’t work, narratively. Blizzard knew!
So why did they repeat the EXACT. SAME. STORY?!!!
Especially since, from beta, players were pointing this out to them. Go back and look at all the threads on this forum from that time. We were screaming at them that this was a bad idea, nobody wanted it, and it was doomed to fail again.
For me, this raises serious questions about what is happening behind the scenes at Blizzard. Are they so out of touch with their own story that they somehow were oblivious to how closely these narratives matched? Are they utterly ignorant of feedback from their own fans, on their own forums? Do they play their own game?
I think this is an utter failure from Blizzard and reflects a deep chasm, not just between them and their players, but them and their own game. I think that Blizzard does not have a clear grasp of the story they are telling. I think they are probably genuinely surprised that the two plots wound up so identical, and identically disappointing, even though they had every warning.
Does one hand know what the other is doing? Where is the leadership? Is there one person who has a clear vision of where this is all going, or are they making it up as they go and lurching from crisis to crisis? I fear, sadly, that it is the latter.