How Did 8.3.7 Manage to Break Everything?

Skitra change was an intended change. No?
The mouse issue I had for a bit.

Overall yeah it happens. I think you are overreacting.

And in regards to the cursor.

There are other threads regarding mouse issues.

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This is a really sad comment. You should feel bad for this.


They hotfixed Skitra’s health back to what it was, so no.

Thank you for telling me how i should and shouldnt feel, your opinion is valid.

Many thanks.

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Yes and? Does this excuse them for pushing out an update that breaks mouse input? Does my question still not stand of whether or not we can trust their judgement with this game? They still pushed a patch out that broke something as simple as mouse functionality. If someone served you a meal singed to ash, would you suddenly consider them a master chef because they prepared boxed mac and cheese two days later?

Oh, they wrote earlier they were buffing her HP.

You’re welcome. Since you seem to have trouble distinguishing, I suggest asking yourself “is this thread directed at me, or is it directed at Blizzard who is not me?”

That will be a good rule of thumb to determine whether it’s weird or not to aggressively go after the person making the thread.

Depends. Are the world class chefs in a different kitchen entirely, preparing food for the resturant next door - if so no i wouldnt expect the same food standard.

Yes. Bugs happen. They have stated they are working on a fix.

I didn’t even know it was a thing until they released it.

Sometimes problems simply don’t show up until the patch hits the live servers.

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That would again be your standard. No more and no less ‘aggressively’ than you are ‘going after me right now’.

I thank you for the time you have given to answer some of the op’s questions about ‘how and why’ this can happen, and also assisted greatly in linking posts from the bug report forums where these issues have been acknowledged / worked on by Blizzard.

They said there was nothing for us to test on 8.3.7 PTR so I doubt anyone even bothered to login to the PTR.


Yeah idk why that guy would say that, I’m sure people dont tell you that constantly

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Im not phased, i am who i am and say what i say.

Thanks for reinforcing what I read as well. It seems Blizz should ask for more help from the community. The community knows the game better than Blizz at this point! :thinking:


its the kind of stuff youd think they’d see instantly in the test phase…
it looks like they threw it out there without testing at all.

it’s blizz, not grinding gear games, act like it ffs.

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It is their “new normal” at Blizz HQ. They are obsessed with mobile games but their flagship AAA MMORPG has as much testing as Warcraft reforged lately. Feels bad! :thinking:

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This exactly. “Just an under the hood tune up” was the message, so even though it was downloaded on my PC I didn’t seen any reason to even take a look.

That, and the 8.3.7 PTR was up for all of about six days before it was pushed live. And surely, SURELY they would’ve known that nobody was using it, with all the usual so-called “testers” (i.e. content creators and streamers) so distracted by the Shadowlands beta they barely even play the retail game :slight_smile:

The idea of this update probably was to deliberately push some engine/systems changes live and let them see if anything breaks, because we’re ALL beta testers now even if we don’t have access to beta! Heh.

FWIW, the issue I’ve found has been with the graphics micro-freezing every few seconds, and it seems to be related to something else going on in the background on the PC, possibly downloading stuff in another app even at a very low speed that usually would impact nothing).

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Tell me how are your addons managed? Didnt twitch sell the addons section to another platform?