How dedicated are you to no changes?

I agree. But I think he does know what he is talking about. I wish he could just tell us lol. At least it is someone who was involved saying it. It makes me feel a ton better.

LFG did exist in some form IIRC back in Vanilla. Obviously no automation like LFD/LFR. It might have just been a chat channel though.

WoW Tokens exist at the BNet account level. They will probably have a UI ability to purchase them somehow for gold or money but rather than it going onto the AH, it just gets converted to BNet Balance or Gametime.

Quest trackers have existed for a while as addons.

LFG was a global chat channel implemented during vanilla. That channel was later removed.

Players could queue for groups at meeting stones and later innkeepers. Almost no one ever used those options, though.

I do not want to see tokens in Classic.

I’m hoping that tokens can only be bought or sold in retail. I’m also hoping that Blizzard takes a hard stance on trading gold in retail for gold in classic and harshly punishes anyone doing so.

And they will still exist as add-ons in Classic.

I don’t foresee them making people install retail just because they want to use Tokens to pay for their subscription.

They just need to make them unsellable on the AH and things will be fine.

How would Johnny buy a token in Classic to use to pay for his sub if tokens could not be sold on the classic AH?

How would Billy sell that token (for which he paid real money) for gold in Classic if tokens could not be sold on the AH in classic?

IMO, if Johnny wants to use tokens to pay his sub so he can play Classic, he should have to farm the gold needed and actually purchase those tokens in retail.

I do not want to see anyone able to buy gold in Classic without risking their account being hacked or banned.

Johnny goes to the Blizzard store and buys one and then it can either be immediately applied to his account as BNet Balance, applied to his account as 30 days of game time, or sold on the AH on the retail servers.

The Token exists on the account level, the game itself will control how it can be used. They just have to include some mechanism to get the thing and apply it without having to install retail.

See above

Do you really believe that Johnny is going to pay $20 for $15 in BNET balance? Or that Johnny will pay $20 for a $15 subscription?

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Lots of the little stuff, like sharding et. al. It’s not ideal, but like I said it’s just worse than I hoped but not as bad as I feared. I’m not a hardliner throwing a fit or anything, and I can live with more changes and still play too. I’m having enough fun messing around (very casually, off and on, haven’t even done BFA content yet) in retail now, so the whole “no changes vs pro changes” is more like a sliding scale for me than a hard cut off. I’d just rather it be closer to the “nothing changed” end of the slider than the “everything has changed” end.

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He could buy it for gold inside Classic too.

Yeah no. No tokens classic side thanks


Not if tokens cannot be sold on the classic AH.

Allow me to quote you:

Or, are you going to backpedal and suggest that tokens be able to be sold on the classic AH?

I am not the only one that opposes tokens being able to be bought or sold in Classic.

Agree 100%. If you want tokens buy it with your BfA gold.

You do realize that the Blizzard store UI in game where you buy tokens uses gold, right?

Ironically, that’s probably the reason they’d support it, if they do (CS reasons).

The ‘fair play’ angle to not buying gold is lip-service as far as I’m concerned coming from Blizzard.

I was going to say… um that’s stupid, but you beat me to it. The whole point is to get (some else’s) gold farmed in game via a secure transaction, that Blizzard gets to tack a 33% markup on for the privilege (and also lowers their external costs of dealing with scams from 3rd parties). It sets a floor on gold to real dollars price.

No changes at all. I can accept some if they have no effect on game-play, for example bug fixes (I guess technically that effect game-play, but that was not intended by the devs back then) but even then I would also be fine if the existed.

Non-deal breakers (though I would still prefer unchanged).

Bug fixes.
Option for newer graphics.
Macros being server side.
Wider variety of add-ons.

Deal breakers.

Class balancing.
QoL gameplay changes.
Toning down danger (i.e. Son of Arugal aggro range lowered)
Etc. you get the idea.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but is that gold cost in the “store UI” not the same as the current gold cost in the AH? Is that gold cost in the “store UI” not set by supply and demand based on the number of tokens available for purchase on the AH and the number of people buying those tokens?

If tokens are not able to be sold on the Classic AH, then how does the price in gold for a token in Classic get set?

Are you suggesting that Blizzard just set the cost without concern for supply and demand? If you are, where would you set the gold cost?

Are you suggesting that they use the gold cost that IS set by supply and demand, the retail gold cost?

It is. That is also irrelevant in regards to Classic as it is a means for gold to exit only. The price will just be set by Retail.


So the price for a token is Classic would be somewhere over 100K gold? That is the current price in retail, if I am correct.


Of course this is all operating under the assumption that Classic and Retail will not share the same client too. I don’t think they have announced that detail yet. It could go both ways.

My point though is that people who only play Classic and want to use tokens need to have access to the ability to buy/apply them without having to install the Retail client if the two will be separate.

No, they really don’t need to. In what strikes me as the highly unlikely event that there are separate clients, people who want to be able to use tokens to pay for their subscriptions–can deal with not being able to. Tokens weren’t part of Classic the first time, after all.