How convenient for RDrus

I don’t even understand what your stance is or why you’re throwing a fit over a post that was clearly a troll to begin with

? I’m just responding to you. You’re the one who got all up in arms and quippy because I linked the first google link I found when answering that other guy’s question.

My stance is that these census sites are likely a better representation of class population than leaderboards even taking their obvious faults into consideration.

not even close

Idk how you can think a website that is 3 years outdated, which provides no source for their data collection, and with forums totalling 2 threads ever made is anything but dubious. May as well just say dude trust me bro updated source

Cool. They need to work on their SEO, they didn’t come up at all when I searched.

Hunters pulling ahead for all levels, druids still top at max level.

pvp leaderboard is not an accurate indication of what the overall player base is playing at all which doesn’t surprise me

yeah, not sure what Battlecruisr is smoking, not worth arguing with him anymore though.

i mean rogues normaly have 2 s tier specs as well its just 90%% of rogue players dont have hand to play them :slight_smile:

2008 called

Blizzard released their own metrics and it’s a country mile between Hunter and the 2nd most played class in the game.

Keep in mind i’m talking about across ALL players, 95% of which don’t interface with M+ or arena in any capacity.

I’ll have to find it and link the screenshot so you can pre-emptively apologize for being offended for no reason by the information.

I mean them changing all of the shadowlands skills to match the class that is perfectly fine. I dont think mages need to have so many different schools… they’ll be fine.

As to why adaptive swarm isnt nature yet idk maybe it was an oversight and will be changed later.

I dont think there is a conspiracy to make or keep rdruid top tier by some wow dev that is funneling all resources towards all things druid, I think its just pure incompetence by blizzard and they dont k ow what to do. They basically said “yea season is fine no changes” and here we are.

I think I can still divine toll when locked out of holy and primordial wave when locked on nature on my shaman

Yes, because Divine Toll’s spell school is Arcane.

Yes, because Primordial Wave’s spell school is Shadow.

not on the ptr

I tried telling people.

Sockems used to play druid :frowning:

Blizzard doesn’t typically release their own metrics, so I’d love to see them.

I’m sure this will definitely happen!

I wasn’t offended at all, I just asked where you got your info since the data I was looking at said otherwise. Pretty touchy, aren’t ya?

Adaptive swarm has gone live under the nature school.