How come no human druids after all this time?

The Druid trainer is a Worgen, so…

They seem to not comprehend the fact that… Pack Form was the uncontrollable fury of Goldrinn. Worgen Curse was created by the Scythe. The Worgen Curse IS NOT PACK FORM. It’s a a curse. Created by the Scythe.

I don’t know why that’s so difficult for them to understand. But I couldn’t beat my head against that wall any longer.

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You didn’t just click on her and hear her speak with an obvious british accent?

Wait until night time, she changes when the moon is out.

At least in retail she does, I’m pretty sure she does in cata too

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If worgen form is a druid form (it’s not, btw) does that mean that ALL worgen - even mages, priests, warriors, etc. are ALSO druids? :rofl:

It’s a curse.


How is this even a debate?

Human → curse of the worgen → worgen → connection to the dream via druidic curse → druid = worgen druid.

WoW simplifies it as well. Other games, including DnD, call it “curse of lycanthropy” and the state is “lycanthrope”.

Aren’t old gods different than wild gods?

Where do Drust druids and Dinomancy sit on this?

Technically, humans have the potential/ease to be any class (except maybe Demon Hunter?)…

The thing is that the humans we play are natives of Stormwind… and the people of Stormwind aren’t very “druidic” or shamanistic, unfortunately.

Worgen are humans, yes, but from Gilneas and affected by the Curse.

So it makes sense for them to be a “separate race” With their distinct and different classes from the Humans of Stormwind.

The same goes for the Humans of Kul Tiras, where the druids (Thorn-Speakers) are former Drust who were Vrykul or at least their descendants.

Thats sad, would love to play human shammy

Because skippy can’t be wrong, apparently. And they keep getting “pack form” confused with “Worgen curse.”

Only one Drust Thornspeaker is left. The rest are all KT humans.

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A Gilnean, who can easily just be a Worgen in his Human form.

You can tell by her voice emotes. :sweat_smile:

Because the playable Human isn’t just any Human, it’s a Human from Stormwind. Unlike Kul Tiras and Gilneas, Stormwind does not retain any of the “old traditions” predating the foundation of the Church of the Holy Light, and it’s instead fully devoted to the Holy Light.

In Human lore, Druids represent the “old ways”, the “old customs” before the Holy Light worship began. Since Stormwind is the centre of Holy Light worship on Azeroth, you can see why playable Humans can’t have Druid yet, until there is some major reform.

No, it’s that you can’t seem to understand the sources you site. The ‘Worgen Curse’ is derived from the ‘Pack Form’ which is the druidic transformation of Goldrinn. And the pack form was altered by the Scythe of Elune, which turned the druids into Worgen.

The ‘Worgen Curse’ is literally a cursed druid form. That’s how it originated. The only difference between it and the regular druid forms is that the Worgen form was cursed by Elune.

That’s literally how Gilneans can shift back into their Human Form and, since we never see Worgen or Gilneans die of other causes besides in conflict, I would bet all of my money that they would die in their Human Form at the time of said death.

lol. Someone is gonna be broke.

KT or Worgen are your Human Druid races.

Notice that KT and Worgen can be Druids, but can’t be Paladins.

It’s for the same reason- religion and traditions for the most part.

Stormwind doesn’t have Harvest Witches or Drust for Druid influence, they worship the light instead.

I didn’t want to assume their gender or race

She’s actually in worgen form at night, like a werewolf.

No fun allowed is why.
Takes 5 minutes to add human druids to vmangos.

Worgens start human, Kil Tirans are human.