I’m playing Cataclysm Classic and the druid trainer is literally a human. How can a human be a druid trainer yet humans don’t have the ability to be druids?
… is it a Worgen?
She’s a Worgen. lol
Technically, a Worgen is a druid form, so she’s still human as far as races go.
Which also begs the question why neither humans nor worgen can be shamans when ancient humans used to practice that stuff like it was the light.
Isnt the allied race humans can be druids
It isn’t. It’s a curse. And the Worgen curse is due to the Scythe of Elune, created by druids, which gives them their connection to the Emerald Dream, thus they can be Druids.
A cursed druidic form since the first Worgen were actually Night Elves.
True, but it shows that their connection to the dream is not natural.
If they weren’t Worgen they’d have no druids
Ohh I didn’t know that she was a Worgen. I can’t tell cuz she’s in her humanoid form
Kul Tiran can be shaman, maybe the others need to open their ears.
It was originally a druid form that the druids could not control.
You even highlighted it…
And as was said:
Unlike a druid form, the worgen curse persists through death,[14] and worgen druids return to worgen form when slain.[15] Cenarius says the worgen curse is beyond druidism.[16]
It’s still a druidic form. It literally comes from a Wild God.
Worgen and Kul Tiran are human and durid.
Don’t some druids of the coil keep their form on death? I remember that being a big thing was people waiting to kill them so they could get leather from wailing caverns.
Also Cenarius is a dummy.
It is absolutely not like regular druid forms. I’m sorry you refuse to read or understand the difference.
Moving on.
It’s legit not a Druidic form. The night elves tried to control the curse, master it, and make it into a Druid form. But it was still just a curse.
It’s still a druidic form. It’s not a regular druidic form.
Except Gilneans can go from Human to Worgen, so it is druidic form. It’s just not a normal druidic form.
Deargodinheaven are you seriously going to act this obstinate?