How come its 2023 and we still can't do Ordos

Play current content. Problem solved.

On Wowhead, if you lookup Ordos and check the comment section you will see a post made on 3/4/22 in response to people asking why they couldn’t get to Ordos:

Well I contacted the Devs about getting to Ordos and this is what I got back in response.

Hey there Warmech,

Game Master Trilieos here to address your recent ticket. I read that you were reaching out to try to figure out how to get to the Ordon Sanctuary since you hadn’t yet been able to do so. I can understand the frustration there and dove into investigating this matter.

I checked into this from my side of the screen and there were no known issues with this aspect of the game or being able to get to Ordon. However, it is associated with a specific requirement that is intended to be a secret part of the game, meaning players need to solve the mystery on their end. We cannot give tips or hints on what to do to open it up and I would encourage you to check out the forums and fansites for that from your fellow players who may have completed these requirements.

I know that this may be a mixed bag of an answer, but I hope that I could expand on the why. I also realize that your time is valuable both inside and outside of the game. So, I appreciate your patience while this ticket was answered. If you have anything else in the future just reach out and let us know.

Is the post legit? I think it is and think Blizz made a mistake and made certain secrets too hard to figure out and so certain parts of the whole timeless isle secrets didn’t get solved in time and we have been stuck there ever since because the next step was never figured out.

The fact that the lack of being able to fly there is a debuff we can see on our screen leads me to believe it could be removed when its all figured out and the secret has been solved.

It cant be done by one person, its not an easy secret to solve, but if more people get interested… then maybe…

Note the part that says : We cannot give tips or hints on what to do to open it up and I would encourage you to check out the forums and fansites for that from your fellow players who may have completed these requirements." - which could mean that the next step WAS figured out, but word didn’t spread but was talked about on some other forum.

What secret exactly?

You need the Pandaria Legendary Cloak to get to Ordos - any character on the account could have got it, then Ordos is accessible to all characters on that account.

It’s not a secret, it was part of a Legendary Questline in Pandaria.

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Wait. Ordos is locked off? Breh. I use to have so much fun doing that

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Current content isn’t as fun.

nobody who has the cloak cares. i promise. it wasn’t prestigious. if you played during that part of MoP, you got it. none of us feel special for having it.


Man I wish I could do this again on my new account . When I made this account I went to do the legendary quest line it was removed :frowning: And the black harvest title… I did the quest to get that back competed it and was like uhm excuse me where’s my title. Little did I know it was removed :confused: I had to make another a few years ago due to a cheating ex. Mr your mine everything you own is mine type of attitude. When I left he changed my account details deleted my account. Shame really all that work. So yah would be ice to go back and do that. Sorry I was rambling it irritates me to this day I lost a lot of progress .

Not true, if you fly in on a glider you can kill Ordos quickly and you won’t get booted out, IF you are fast enough… other people have other ways too, but there is no central database on what has been discovered and the Secret Discord Group seems to have no interest in solving the mystery or does not believe their is one.

Would be nice if Blizz would tell us which areas have unsolved secrets so at least we know they exist. But many things, including that ticket answer from Blizz lead me to believe Timeless Isle is a place where a secret has not been solved and until it is, people will always be asking about Ordos. In other words, we can’t move forward, until it gets solved.

Ok let me clarify, to have proper access to Ordos, you need the Legendary Cloak to just hop over the broken bridge to get to him.

There is no secret. Personally I think that copy & paste is either bs or a GM had no idea what they are talking about.

It was a questline back in MOP. Afaik, it has been removed.

Yes, it comes around often, the answer is the same. If you didn’t do it in time, you missed out. It’s not a big deal, he’s ONE mob. There are plenty of other things that have been removed entirely from the game, and if you were not around to get said item, you are out of luck now.

I don’t PvP so even if they added the quest back I would still balk at the “win 2 battlegrounds” step (actually they dropped that to just one win by the end if I remember correctly?)

The WoD ring questline is another story I’m sad they removed.

you were playing in 2013 why didn’t you just do it.

The legendary cloak and ring are both examples of content that never should have been removed. First and foremost both questlines were very important to the story of the xpac and beyond. For example, would a brand new player know why Wrathion got punched by Anduin? Wouldn’t they wonder who the hell he is?

The questline for the cloak granted a title. That’s all we need to prove we were there while it was current. They can give a matching title, “Legend of Draenor”, to those that completed the ring during WoD.

Let people have the cloak, ring, the content and Ordos’ Courtyard.


I’m not a raider. I play in the open world and go back to do instanced content a few expansions later.

So my time in MoP was spent mostly farming pumpkins, doing pet battles and catching tiny carp.

TBF neither was I. I did the entire questline for the cloak and ring in LFR.


In all honesty current sunken temple is better. The side bosses dropped unremarkable greens, and swamp man in the actual bottom had like a polearm and a chest piece, or something. The actually cool bosses like Erankius, the various dragons, and shade of Hakar are still there

I was actually asking OP did that come up for you?

He was playing during that time as well. I don’t have a lot of sympathy for people who were playing and just didn’t want to do the content and are now wanting to get the perks easy mode. I remember a lot of people making a fuss about the PVP part and I didn’t do PvP either but I went and did that as well as the raid part in LFR.

It would be a different story if Ordos actually dropped something special but he does not - all that stuff can be gained other ways.

I have the cloak.

I do not feel special.

I was against its removal from the very beginning, and I am still against it.

Blizzard did a super dumdum here, and I hope one day they will reverse it. But that might be too much to hope for.

The cloak was awesome and denying people the cloak “just because they weren’t there” is really stupid.


I think the Hammer that gives you a 5 minute buff to break the cave in that causes Spelurk to spawn is the key. You get in cave, you grab hammer and break the cave-in and you then kill Spelurk. Simple huh? Then why does the hammer buff last 5 minutes? Does it take that long to look to the right and click on something?

I think the hammer needs to be used somewhere else on the island, and thats the part of the secret that’s holding up Timeless Isle from reaching its conclusion.

Curious mostly: could you be summoned by a lock closet there? Obv that sounds pretty busy, getting three others to help summon. I’ll have to try the glider method.

Yes you can. You can also glider right into it if you activate it at just the right moment before you get force-dismounted from flying.

There’s actually literally nothing that prevents you from engaging with Ordos if you don’t have the cloak - except the fact that you can’t cross the bridge to get to him. Which I think is entirely arbitrary and stupid. *(correction - I forgot you get teleported away. see the post in response to mine)

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