lol, are you serious? Sinking the horde fleet and trying to kill it’s leader doesn’t cause a war? Are you forreal?
Genn was not the only one there. It was the Alliance fleet lead by a Stormwind Admail. Is this the 5th time I have explained this to you today alone?
Nobody is “crying”, I sure as heck am accusing you of it though.
Accuse all you want, it’s pointless, and false.
If you wanna support the pointless, mindless Blood Fued, you have at it. I refuse to support it.
< And yet you support honor culture.
There are literally people that are gleefully happy to be the villians, and do the absolute worst thing, and don’t simply give a damn.
There are people who openly embrace this sort of attitude, and find everyone else to be in the wrong.
Have you been in alot of Anti/Pro Sylvanas threads? You can see them coming out of the woodworks constantly.
If your gleefully, playing an evil character, and simply enjoy inflicting suffering, fictional or not, then there’s a problem with you.
I just do not get this type of mindset, It is like saying someone who plays the role of Darth Vader/ or enjoys the Darth Vader character is in real life a murderous psychopath. Who is truly the one with issues separating fantasy from reality…
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Are you not aware that the entire Night Elf military was on the move to Silithus to act against the Horde? The only reason the Horde fooled them in the first place was because Silithus and Org were under Alliance harassment by SI:7 - which had the ability to inform the Alliance about the move in the first place.
And the response was to destroy an entire capital with men, women, and children!!! Sylvanas is scum…
They were "working towards peace and yet bombing Silithus workers and Horde soldiers at the same time while moving the entirety of the Night Elf military against the Horde in Silithus.
Well what were they supposed to expect when the entire Horde military, under Sylvanas’s leadership no less, starts mobilizing. I completely understand their concern. I understand the Alliance doesn’t have clean hands, but Sylvanas continues to be a bigger threat to the Horde than the Alliance has for a very long time. Her scum must be dealt with first, then we’ll see if peace can be reached with the Alliance.
That why she’s partial to you living during the Naz naval destruction? Nathanos says as much himself. Furthermore, no, she can literally not raise you as mindless undead; she’s got to brainwash you as seen with Derek, which is the only one we’ve seen her do thus far, and he’s Alliance in the first place, so why should any real Horde care?
That’s not what happened at the Battle for Loarderon. She clearly killed her own troops and raised them as mindless undead. You can ignore that all you want, but I won’t.
Better than a closet Ally boot licking hypocrite.
You’re no Horde, that’s for sure. Maybe a Demon lead Horde, but not an honorable Horde…
Some people just don’t understand that people can like aspects of a character and not the entirety of it.
This war long since lost any honor in it.
Go fight alliance in your petty blood fued, that’s all your interested in. Off with ya.
< Supports treachery against the WC
< Talks about “honor”/not a Horde
Excuse me while I recover my brain cell count.
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Right your repeated claim that an alliance leader, alliance navy commander, and the alliance navy attacking the horde leader and sinking the horde navy is not an act of war by the alliance is clear proof that you have an agenda. You can argue against it all you want, but it is there for all to see.
You repeatedly ignore and get major story elements wrong after being corrected over and over.
That’s definitely more a suggestion for you considering you’re talking a lot like Anduin/Baine, the bootlicker/body-part-mailer.
The only “Agenda” I have is the removal of the Sword in Sithilus, the healing of the planet, and the destruction of the Old Gods and their cults.
Go revel in your blood fued. It’s clearly all your interested in.
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False WC, get it right. She came to power illegitimately, and lead the Horde down an honor-less path…
< Yet continues to support “honor culture” AKA lowkey warmongering.
It is really funny watching you chance from RL morality to RPing every time you get backed into a corner.
Orcs do not have a monopoly on honor.
And no, it is not.
Yeah, sure man.
Whatever you say.
Theramore wasn’t a legit target in cata, Sylvanas struck first, and attempted Genocide on a group we’re suppose to be at an uneasy truce with.
She’s murdered her own people multiple times, sometimes not even while in combat.
And is possibly making deals with Azshara to sell us all out.
You keep supporting Sylvanas, though, clearly she has your best interests in mind.
Mindless Sheep.
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case in point. Ignoring actual story.
DOUBLE case in point. Completely ignores the events in legion.
TRIPLE case in point. She did not “murder” her people at the battle of undercity. You have been explained this. You have also been explained that they were defecting to join who she saw as a potential usurper who shouldn’t have even been there.
Like I said this point this kind of misinformation has to be intentional.
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Keep lickin’ Sylvanas’s boots.
When she murders you for the sake of pragmatism or convenience, don’t come crying to me.
Is that why every other culture emulates their specific version of it? Baine follows Saurfang’s notion, as do the others.
Keep lickin’ Sylvanas’s boots.
When she murders you for the sake of pragmatism or convenience, don’t come crying to me.
The look on the horizon foretells that she’s going to murder people like you.
I’ll be having steak twice a week.