How can WoW compete with XIV?

If it’s the same type of game then why is WoW on the decline but FF14 isn’t?

Fact of the matter is that WoW is simply too complicated nowadays. It has been for a good while. Hence why far less complicated games with lower barriers of entry are on the rise such as Genshin Impact, FF14, and the such.

Those that played WoW hardcore are an aging breed and the newer gamers aren’t going to put up with all the gatekeeping, barriers of entry, grinding, and time wasters that WoW and its hardcore playerbase has prided itself upon. WoW also looks extremely dated and full of dated ideas/systems that are simply unappealing to those who aren’t already invested into WoW. FF14 gets around that by looking better and letting players make their characters look really nice while Genshin Impact goes for a vibrant cell-shaded look.

Consider this.

Beast Master Hunter is one of the most popular Class/Spec in the game because it’s the easiest, most simple, and solo friendly combo the game has.


Focus on social play, not anti-social play.


Lol, the cringe weebfest with PS2 graphics and zones the size of trade district? Nahhh.

B-b-b-but the story is so good you say, yeah maybe for an MMO, it’s still trash. Read a book.

Edit: And for all those replying and taking a dig at WoWs graphics… are you serious? The old world sure, but BFA onwards looks incredible. It’s all about the art style which is something FFXIV could benefit from, instead, it just looks like a jaggy soulless generic JRPG. The character models themselves look good, but nothing else does.


because people can enjoy more than 1 game ?

WoW’s graphics are literally 2004 cartoon-level. you have no leg to stand on for this “argument” ur trying


If FF14 has PS2 graphics, does that mean WoW has Atari graphics?


WoW looks like a Disney movie lol


this was written by a literal 12 year old

also, enjoy ur report thats toxic asf


You mad, bro?


You reply to every post you don’t like with “enjoy your report”. Give it a break, go touch some grass.


soo cuTEEEEE

literally re-read what you typed

its toxic asf and just ?? honestly disgusting to read.

youre assuming people are PEDOPHILES for playing a japanese game? you should 100% be banned


Every time I try to get into FFXIV I get bored within a week. Its hard to put a finger on why it is that way. I know as a casual heroic raider I should love FFXIV but it doesn’t grip me as WoW does

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There is literally a blood elf male who rides a sparkly horse and talks about his hair and nails.


Classic seems to be in a pretty crappy spot so I don’t know why you would say that. I logged in cause I was bored and my 3.6k resto druid is considered “too low” for naxx. Not a good way to greet players trying to get back into it lol.


I don’t see a difference.

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Tell me that you’ve never played another MMO other than WoW without telling me.


You cannot make a pre-teen in FF14 nor can you make them look that young. The Player character is a young adult at the start of ARR.

Way to show that you know nothing about the game and clearly have unresolved issues in regards to minors.


XIV for the story. WoW for the burn. GW2 for the therepy after the burn. ESO for recovery.


Well, look at it like this.

FF14 is the journey and a lot of fun side distractions.

WoW is Endgame. Everything is about getting there at the point that much of the game is in such a weird state as anything that doesn’t contribute to the current expansion Endgame is abandoned.

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It isn’t a try. It’s a fact.

And another fact is that you’ve broken the WoW TOS multiple times already and based off how all your posts are toxic it means that you’ll get a forum ban sooner rather than later.

Consider it your participation trophy. It takes work to get banned from the WoW Forum.


I stray away from FFXIV. The game is full of degenerates.
It is like Moonguard’s Goldshire Inn on steroids reloaded with lasers 2.0.

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