How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

No, I don’t think this is the case. I think they see themselves more in the Alliance (as Alliance Mains) and thus write stories they want for their main faction.

Why are you so worried about my profile? You should make it a much louder work to champion my authority over you.


A lot of “my people”, and “Lordaeron” “No, we live in Undercity”, and etc.

Nope, it wasn’t, and in reference to how cake flour was cheaper than bread flour, and the “cake” in context is brioche bread rather than normal baguette bread.

I for one brefer brioche over baguette but who am I to question 18th century peasants.


And here’s the rest of the post you quoted from:

He’s worried about the story not people playing Alliance.



And, why is he worried about them lacking self awareness?

That was in Shadows Rising, not BtS. SR wasn’t even written by Christie Golden.

Exactly, which is all specific to her position as a Menethil. Had she not been a princess of Lordaeron, I don’t know that we would have had that kind of talk from the Light Zombie.


I don’t disagree, but if it was a choice between Calia and some brand new, presumably living, human character that filled every other major story beat (including encouraging Forsaken to defect to the Alliance), I’d pick Calia in a second. Especially since Legion had already established that she was still alive, so if that role had been some new character, we might instead all be complaining that it made no sense when Calia was right there.

That would have been interesting, though the story beats would have to have been quite different to accommodate a Forsaken character in that role instead of Calia.

Isn’t it, though?

You’re literally saying, "We can have peace, balance the scales, and move on, but only after we’ve gotten our revenge.

Ok, so Alliance attacks Horde to “settle the score.” Ok, but now the Horde needs to strike back to settle that score. Now the Alliance has to strike back…

This is literally the point of “Breaking the Cycle.” It’s why Jaina decided to be a pacifist, even against her own father, all those years ago.

This argument, this war, will never end until you decide not to “settle the score.”


But that’s it, does the game think the Horde is overwhelmed by a villainous bat?
It seems like a good topic here, no?

That’s explained later.


You are correct. That’s my mistake.


Which 100% would’ve been the case.

“Why is some random Stormwind-Diaspora Lordaeronean convincing Forsaken to defect to the Alliance??”


It’s not in my business to be so concerned with what faction the Devs are playing, I mean this is a serious sign of mental deficiency, and at worst an serious flaw with insecurity, and control issues. The worst manifestation of it being that Baalsamael being so concerned about my profile he’s asking people to check it out.

I’m assuming Afrasiabi was a Horde player, so he’s worried there’s people playing Alliance on the Dev team?


That’s easy, we just need to ignore the Alliance and tell them to eat bananas. Both factions should be at a cold war with almost zero love for each other. Warhammer does it even among the old allies like Elves with Humans and Dwarves.

Honestly I can’t grasp what exactly want to force players with holding courts of concessions of land when literally both sides have blood in their hands and barely standing armies to fight off.


Again, I’m not convinced that those things would have happened if the Light Zombie wasn’t Calia. The way I remember it, Golden just said that she was directed to put a Light Zombie in the book. She never said she was directed to have the Light Zombie be personally killed by Sylvanas for the crime of attempting to rally Forsaken to defect to the Alliance. I think that is all stuff that Golden dreamed up after getting the go-ahead to make Calia the Light Zombie.

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But you’re concerned with trying to call people out for a perceived hypocrisy that isn’t there?



Not revenge, recompense. By the Horde’s own volition. A truly selfless act, to try and make up for all they have done, is all I require. Nothing more, but nothing less either. That will break the cycle. The Horde proving that they can do more than harm the Alliance.

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That’s your business, not mine. I sat here, and quoted what you missed your first review. Are you upset about that?

Mmmm…No, you very much made an unfounded accusation :point_down:

And have since been unable to substantiate it.

I asked :point_down:

You are unable to provide any.

The way you’re grasping to try and call people out seems to indicate that it isn’t me who is upset in this thread.



No, I don’t think this is the case. I think they see themselves more in the Alliance (as Alliance Mains) and thus write stories they want for their main faction.

And they lack the self awareness of the implications and meta-meaning of the story they’re writing.

Travis Day (senior producer) and Jimmy Lo (principal artist) both play(ed) Alliance, according to this interview from 2018

Try as you might, you’re still wrong. Horde players seem really concerned with trying to make me look upset. Don’t know why that is.