How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Yeah, because there isn’t the polar opposite being claimed in the last few posts.

I doubt we’ll ever get solid answers, but I am really curious to know a) who made the decision to put Calia in Legion, b) what, if any, plans did they have for the character post-Legion if she hadn’t been in BtS, and c) what sort of character would have taken up Calia’s role in BtS if Golden hadn’t suggested her or if Blizzard hadn’t approved. To be honest, if the choice was between Calia and a brand new character with all the other major story points being the same, I’d be inclined towards picking Calia.

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There isn’t. A lot of talk about the story team in general, but nothing along the lines of “it’s so bad because they like the Alliance more”.


Not me. Making Calia the Light Zombie brings in all the weird headachey issues regarding her role as the last surviving member of the Menethil family, and why she suddenly cares soooo very much about “her people” after ignoring them for decades, plus the general ickiness of the Forsaken going back to a member of the family that was responsible for their condition in the first place and the implication of hereditary monarchies always being perfect while warchiefs are bad.


I have a strange feeling it was supposed to be Vellcinda as that’s they only other character I could have imagined to be the one without changing the overall beats. Which ironically might have worked better since she was Forsaken to begin with.

Either way, Lightforged Undead was an awful story beat and someone should get a good bonking on the head for it.


Literally there are people listing, and people upset that there are Devs playing Alliance. Sorry for your loss.

That’s a missquote from BlizzWatch, the Blizzcon transcription quote is actually:

[…]Now some of you might be asking: Hey, Alex. Why would the Alliance attack the Undercity? It is a good question. It is a good question. Here is a better question: why would the Horde burn down Teldrassil?

Did Teldrassil fall first, and lead to the attack of Undercity; or was the burning of Teldrassil a response to the bold Alliance attack on Lordaeron? You will find out.[…]

[…]Let me leave you with this thought: no matter who fired the first shot, we are in an all-out war. It is our duty as Alliance, as Horde, to defend our people, our families, and our homes. This is the Battle for Azeroth.[…]

Taking the full quote into consideration:

  1. The more nuanced syntax with adjectives in the secondary clause leads me to believe this was the truth and the first clause (Teldrassil first) was not true.
  2. The plot of BFA was supposed to be the Horde outraged at Anduin giving into Genn’s/Turalyon’s imperialism, but then taking the moral highground and working together to save Azeroth from N’zoth.

Agreed tbh. Much less cringe. Forcing a blank slate into a position of leadership would’ve been insane.


Where are the Alliance bias claims?

I’ll wait.


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Why are they upset the devs are playing Alliance? Why are they WORRIED about them playing Alliance, at all? That was short.

Just stop engaging with him Gantrithor, he just exists to instigate beef with Horde players and like all the NEFPA posts, look at his profile lol


I went back about 50 posts and didn’t find any that indicated people were “upset” that Blizzard employees play Alliance.

They aren’t. They’re worried about the story team further screwing up the story.



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That moment when a simple (deliberate?) misquote by Blizzard Watch sets off a decades-long faction war…


Right, after we have settled the score. Not a second earlier.

I’m not certain the Light Zombie would be in the running for a leadership position if (s)he weren’t also a Menethil, though. Might be more of a side character.

Many such cases (e.g. Who said Let Them Eat Cake)

Golden only said she changed that character’s name with her suggestion, not the plot for BTS.

So…you do realize this is what prevented the Alliance and Horde from living in peace the first time around, right?

You’re literally repeating Daelin Proudmoore’s argument.


Daelin wanted to reduce the Horde to naught but dust. That is not my wish, even if it was possible gameplay wise

Yes, and Calia wasn’t being pushed as the new undead leader in BtS. That came afterward. (I mean, officially she’s not being pushed even now, but it’s pretty clear that’s where they’re going.)

I believe that was Marie Antoinette setting off the French Revolution.

Or in the Alliance’s case, “Lady Katrana Prestor” instigating the Stormwind Stonemason Riots.

Maybe, but why was she at the Horde council meeting with Voss?


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