How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

I guess it adds weight to that theory, if that’s what you’re intentionally looking for.

Eeeeeh. Sure, they may see themselves as Alliance (Humans at the very least), but for years I swear it has been how many of them play/main Horde, love writing for them, etc. Not that I wouldn’t put it past them to lie but this is going back long before BfA.

No matter which faction most of them main, it is tragically hilarious that the faction they claim to love is just mismanaged all over, from being written in the same shade for 10+, to being villain batted, or just plain getting pushed to the side entirely.

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You aren’t redeemed just because the one you wronged becomes less good, because that change can be traced back to your own misdeeds. Redemption is something you seek, something to strive for. And it will only happen through a genuine desire to atone, to be better.


That was Metzen and Afrasiabi.

Who are gone.


Huh. And no other interviews have had their preference mentioned?

Nope. But I mean a casual search history of social media of how often they talk about Horde or Alliance (or a given character therein) is easy enough to do :stuck_out_tongue:


Clearly there shouldn’t be redemption given for the Horde. They sat around, and waited for the Alliance to solve their own bad guy issues, which is what the Horde players seem the most upset about. Let Shadowlands play out, then keep them out of the story focus. They can enjoy stories about building huts, and marveling at their own evil deeds.

Where’s our Shamanic/Ancestral Afterlife?



I have little hope with Afrasiabi leaving

I’m not sure about this interpretation, for one particular reason: Afrasiabi is the one who said this, when people were complaining about Sylvanas being villain-batted:

Also, from recent comments from Golden on Twitter, I don’t think the story team is necessarily the main driver for the lore, despite the name of the team:

Golden works for the story team, not the game team.


Yes but his disappointment with Cata-MoP Garrosh that he attributed to “miscommunication” and “not everyone being on-board”, the fact he left, and the fact the Prepatch Storyline vs Blizzcon Interviews don’t add up still lets my statement stand.

Sylvanas was always ruthless yes, but there’s ruthless justified vs ruthless not-justified.

She also has stated she’s the one who suggested using Calia for BTS and Blizzard agreed to it.

Math ain’t adding up; low key feel like she realizes she has made some grave mistakes and is trying to distance herself from the fallout.

But yeah figures if the Game Team is driving the chariot.


That…actually says a lot. The people who can make stories are barely a part of creating the overall narrative as their feedback can be discarded. Even if someone objected to how something was presented, the design team could say “Nah, we want a Sylvanas boss fight. Get us there.”


Travis Day (senior producer) and Jimmy Lo (principal artist) both play(ed) Alliance, according to this interview from 2018:


I feel I should add that Golden’s comments were part of a larger discussion about storytelling in games started by someone who wasn’t talking about WoW or Blizzard. The rest of the conversation included talking about the difference between an outside writer on contract for a book versus an established company employee writing story, and the differences in creative freedom when writing for an established IP versus original work. As for Calia, Golden may have been the one to suggest her for Before the Storm, but someone else made the choice to bring Calia out of the MIA lore characters box and put her in the priest order hall in the first place, since Golden wasn’t working for Blizzard during Legion development. Do we know who made that decision?

Nope, but we do know that Calia was not going to be in BTS. Given how central Calia was in BTS (a solid third of the book imo), I would wager that specific role was going to be a brand new character (yikes).


That is true, but if the game’s going to move away from being “the good faction vs the bad faction,” they have to be evened out.


‘The Devs should only be allowed to play Horde! This is a travesty that they’re allowed to play a faction I don’t like!’

So, I also have to question this given Afrasiabi’s comment at Blizzcon.

You know, the infamous

Why would the Alliance attack Lordaeron…why would the Horde attack Teldrassil…it doesn’t matter who fired the first shot.

This almost makes it sound as if Afrasiabi was completely in on the War of the Thorns, or at the very least, was ambivalent, if not apathetic about the whole thing.

Thoughts on that, Baalsamael?


Well, if they did only play Horde it would legitimize the Horde Bias claims that still get thrown around.



That tells me he cared about Garrosh. But if he is as willing (even eager) as he seems to sacrifice Sylvanas to the Altar of Purples, then I question his commitment to a story that the entire Horde playerbase would like.

Do you have a link for that one?

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