How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Well, it’s coming across as you saying there’s enough for the NElves to feel good about, and since that’s true it’s just a matter of appreciating what you, and I have said.
Although, clearly there’s not a lot of appreciation.

i am pretty sure if they made one of those bad cinematics you’d complain about why it wasnt a good one, pretty sure you did that with tyrande becoming a night warrior

Easy, a new leader who’s not Calia Menethil.


I mean, count yourself out as well. You’re lacking in the ability to elaborate, if I’m just being polite.

Yes, I generally do expect some level of quality and care from Blizzard. We certainly know that they’re capable of it, particularly when they can put such loving care into cinematics where they show Night Elves dying, crying, burning, etc. It’s a pretty simple observation - if they’re willing and able to plow millions of dollars into demonstrating onscreen that Night Elves are losing, then they can do the same to show the opposite.

Whether they will is just a matter of preference.


Look at Calia’s history. Her literal last act in life was attempting to get Forsaken to defect to the Alliance.

Well, yeah. That’s what we’re all doing here. Expressing our opinions about the story.


Answer this:
Why are the Forsaken referred to as Forsaken?

Does the same apply to Calia?



and that takes time, which is why nathanos died later

Well, she’s either rejected by the Forsaken or not. Who was defecting to the Alliance? Soldiers or regular people? If the Forsaken reject her, that makes her…?

I’m not sure how much more clearly I can state this but I will try a different phrasing:

I am not the arbiter of when Blizzard has done “enough” for Night Elves. I’m not even sure “enough” exists and leave that judgment to others. However, Blizzard has taken some steps to walk back and/or mitigate the effects of BfA on the Night Elves.

Other groups, not as much. Do they deserve as much? I don’t know. It’s not as if I can come up with a metric to quantify how much damage was done and how much has been done to restore it.

As to Calia, let’s kill off Tyrande, Shandris, Malfurion, Maiev… man the Night Elves have a lot of top tier characters … and whomever else and put Ly’leth Lunastre as the new leader. Yes she’s a Nightborne but they’re really similar to Night Elves even though they don’t share the common history. Yes she’s not a major character so it won’t really give you much and yes she’s coming from a Horde race but … well it should go over fine. They were once one people, right?


Like I said, she’s been shoehorned into a position of prominence by the writers for no reason. She was at the Horde first council meeting in Shadows Rising and was present at Icecrown prior to everyone going to the Shadowlands, again, for no reason.

Forsaken citizens.

A lightforged, undead Alliance character.



Your hypothetical doesn’t work because I can say I’d take the Nightborne. I could get the enjoyment out of it, like you would rather I wouldn’t.

There hasn’t been enough done yet, because even the Nelf racial leader is out trying to get stuff done. Also, Sylvanas isn’t even dead, yet. So there’s that. The Horde don’t have/get to deal with her anymore, but that’s good so eventually they’ll quit being talked down to they hate so much.

I don’t view the story progressing as mitigation, or walking back of what happened at Teldrassil, it’s just the story progressing. Otherwise why wouldn’t they keep schreeching?

You repeat yourself, but that doesn’t change what I said. She’s either rejected or not, and the Forsaken seem to take her in based on her influence to the story.

The Horde is worried about its citizens reuniting with their families? It’s not like the Humans could have gone to live with the Forsaken is it? Maybe not that Sylvanas is gone though, but you hate Calia.

Still an Alliance imposed cconsequence.

Right, just destroying the navy, burning the city, killing its citizens and capturing its king. That’s all…


You realize that you don’t have to enter a city to seige it, right?

Says the Alliance player.

Because you keep moving the goal posts.

First it’s: Horde got off scot free (no consequences)

Then it’s: Horde got off without “Alliance imposed” consequences.

Now it’s: Those consequences don’t count because reasons.

Your analogy is bad because the Alliance have no jurisdictional authority to police the Horde, its nations or its people.


The Alliance had no jurisdictional authority to police the Zandalari. They were an invading force that destroyed his navy, killed his citizens and burned his city. He was assassinated because he didn’t tow the Alliance line.

Glad you agree. So, yeah. The whole “Horde got off scot free”?

Patently False.



Hypothetically. After SoL. If Anduin sent diplomats to Thunder Bluff, and Stlvanas blight bombed that city. Are you still going to also blame the Alliance for that?

Because I disagree with the opinion that Calia is a gain for the Forsaken, let alone the Horde.

Not a single poster on this forum had come up with anything convincing as to why she is in an apparent leadership position for the Forsaken when she has done more for the Alliance than Horde.

I dislike what Blizzard is doing with her.



The Alliance didn’t send diplomats to Undercity.


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Anduin was there, idk how you couldn’t see him. But, you wouldn’t blame her in that instance right?

Your hypothetical makes no sense, because, again, Alliance didn’t send diplomats to Undercity. Hence why it was called the Seige of Lordaeron.

Undercity was destroyed because the Horde couldn’t defend it against the Alliance military attacking it.

Sending diplomats to Thunder Bluff is not even in the same context as the SoL.



But, if Sylvanas blighted both those cities, you’re saying it’s the context that lets her be the one to have destroyed it?

Still makes no sense.

The hypothetical diplomats aren’t trying to seize Thunder Bluff for the Alliance.

The hypothetical diplomats aren’t trying to capture the Horde leadership to be turned over to Alliance justice.

If the Alliance had sent diplomats to UC after the WoT (lol wouldn’t put it passed Anduin) and Sylvanas still blew it up, that would be entirely on her. As it stands, she had the following options:

  1. Nuke UC to deny it from the Alliance and possibly take out some of its leadership
  2. Run away but surrender the city to the Alliance
  3. Surrender to the Alliance
