How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

You are comparing them though, atleast in this post, and you’re claiming the Forsaken are coming out with nothing, despite Calia.

However, can’t it be said that the Horde got to enjoy exactly the things they should? They defeated their evil Warchief, and are coming through now with a fresh look on why this keeps happening…
If the Night Elves are supposed to be happy about slowing the Horde in Darkshore…then the Horde should be ecstatic to have their faction cleansed of another evil tyrant, period. But, you’ve already voiced the partial complaint about Sylvanas, her backstory, and the upcoming replacement…

If killing Nathanos is supposed to be a win because Tyrande did it, or a win for the Alliance that they killed Rastakhan then the Horde got their win with Teldrassil. They got their revenge for UC when they got to excise Sylvanas.

Don’t do this!

Look, I get it. There are legitimate complaints the Horde players have. Yes, it sucks being the villain. I do agree that the story put many Horde players in an uncomfortable position. I am not going to diminish those complaints.

But…Do not pretend the Alliance players don’t also have very legitimate complaints. Let’s hit just a couple.

To start with, lets take the “They won everything” comment. Well, we are told we won a number of things (though not “everything”). Do you see that anywhere in game? No. Did the Alliance players get to experience those victories? Nope. The Alliance players spent multiple expacs being kicked around by the Horde. The Alliance players experienced repeated losses. Then they got told they won in other places. And how about the end where the Alliance player is told that the Alliance can’t win against the half of the Horde that Sylvanas still controlled and had to be saved by Saurfang? So, this ‘win everything’ is not a remotely accurate description.

But the bigger issue is that the whole story revolved around the Horde. The Alliance was really only there to be fodder for the Horde story. Considerably more resources and time were put into the Horde.

What do the Alliance players want? Here are a few things to start with.
*To have time and resources spent on our story at least close to what has been spent on the Horde story.
*To not have our story simply revolve around the Horde.
*Since it is to late to get to experience the victories we were told we got to at least have those victories be reflected in game.

The point is:
Yes, the Horde players who didn’t like the direction Blizzard took absolutely have the right to complain. It is absolutely fair for them to say they don’t like it. But to pretend the Alliance didn’t get screwed over pretty hard in the whole arc is disingenuous at best. Don’t do it.


Meringue put it better than I ever could. I’m shelving my reply accordingly. Good show.

I didn’t quite follow everything in your post but I’ll try to respond. If I have incorrectly portrayed your arguments I apologize:

1). I am not comparing who had it worse. My intent was to compare what restitution Blizzard has offered in response to mitigate the amount of tragedies that BfA inflicted.

2). This has been touched on a lot but Calia Menethil is not any sort of “benefit” for the Forsaken. Calia Menethil has no connection to the Forsaken and hasn’t suffered as a Forsaken. She’s actually pretty offensive for anyone who relates to the Forsaken. It’s like having a white person lead the NAACP.

3). The Horde “gets” to successfully (with Alliance help) remove someone (who apparently has been evil for a decade) who has been leading them into helping a super duper bad guy? That’s an amazing spin.

4). I didn’t say the Night Elves should be happy about slowing the Horde in Darkshore. Or even that they should be happy about eventually winning Darkshore (and finding out in a crappy manner). Or even letting Tyrande strike the killing blow against Nathanos in a pretty cool cutscene. I even said it’s clearly not enough (including everything else) and I don’t know if enough will ever be done.

5). I didn’t claim killing Rastakhan was a “win” for the Alliance, but the Horde did suffer a loss of a relevant character (and a soon-to-be allied race). Our character base is dwindling as it is. But I did say there is something insidious about having the Horde players partaking in the raid have to play as Alliance races for part of it.

I think you took the entirety of my post and read it from the opposite direction. Some (most) segments suffered stupidly written losses in BfA. Blizzard hasn’t done enough to remedy the disaster that it was and I don’t know if they can. I will say they’ve done more for Night Elves than others (as far as I can see) but that hasn’t been enough.


I think most Night Elf fans would have been somewhat satisfied if they got Ashenvale back with some sort of fighting and for that warfront questline to be more conclusive.

Why didn’t Nathanos just die then? What was the point of keeping him around?


To have him die in a cinematic

Eh, that’s kind of weak - that cinematic could have been in Darkshore.

I truly hope you get your wish.

The resources and time spent into the Horde are solely due to the fact that the Horde is getting vilified.

I hope the next expansion that releases, you get the entire story around how evil and racist and incompetent and bad you are - and we can sit on the sidelines with popcorn going “tsk tsk” as every quest giver maligns you for actions you didn’t approve of nor did you actually undertake.

Better yet, since we know that won’t happen to the bastion of moral integrity, go play some Horde characters. It’s so much fun having the story driven by you because you’re ultimately a faction AND a purple dispenser factory.


it takes time to make those, blizzard cant just make them willy nilly, and they already had like 4 of them that patch

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Well, you were not intending it to come across as weighting the ‘negatives’, but I did read it that way, and it looks that way. Perhaps it’s just my reading though.

I don’t really think anyone should expect Blizzard to do poop for them in the vein of ‘restitution’.

Calia is unfortunately going to be a part of the Forsaken’s story from what story beats I’m picking up, that we’re given by Blizzard. It’s still going to be an additional character they should get to play with, she’s a fresh character anyway, so she hasn’t even done that much, I can understand there are reasons she isn’t a perfect puzzle piece yet, but it’s still a +gain Undead character that the Forsaken will have, period. I don’t get this personal offense as being a Forsaken at all. Also the racial reference just isn’t something I want to touch in this fantasy setting.

They get to remove someone with the Alliance’s help. They still get to do it. Yeah stuff was retconned and included, but if it’s just a base weighing of the situations, that’s still something the Horde got to do at the end of the expac.
It’s also part of the Horde’s story for BfA to choose to side with the rebels or Sylvanas. That’s a net for both parties.

It doesn’t seem insidious to play as the other faction for part of a raid. If you’re concerned about dwindling characters I stress even more that calia is a gain.

Blizzard should care about how great their game is, but I don’t think they can FORCE you to enjoy it. You have to take personal agency of yourself to enjoy it, or not.

If they found time to make a cinematic in Ashenvale for that Cata-era kodo quest that managed to make it look even worse for the Night Elves than the scenario already was during BFA, then they could have found the time to make this.


Going to have to disagree here. As you said, Calia hasn’t done much. She doesn’t have much history, but what history she does have makes her closer to Alliance than Horde.

Blizzard would need to do a LOT of work to make her a legitimate Forsaken (not just undead) character.



So, just to keep up your argument, you’re not wanting to have the very thing she’s centered around? Forsaken development? It seems like that’s why she’s being introduced. Story wise it makes a lot of sense as well.

Seems to have been the same with Rastakhan

Calia isn’t Forsaken. She’s barely undead. She’s an Alliance character that is being very obviously shoehorned into a position she shouldn’t occupy.

Forsaken development should not include Alliance slanted characters.



Literally I have no idea what you’re talking about anymore. The original question was regarding what Blizzard has done to help Night Elves (and the Alliance) feel better about BfA.

I listed steps taken for each segment to repair the damages caused throughout BfA. I am not the right person to say whether they are enough or whether there even is a line that is “enough” - BfA’s storyline was pretty awful and I think did more harm to WoW than good.

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Not all development is good development.


And still made up of Orcs who had escaped imprisonment for the crime of mass Genocide, how do you even justify that?

Orcs proved to not care what the Draenei had to say, and they thought the Legion had lost their trail. Why would they risk the Orcs just going full aggro on them anyway because they didn’t like what the Draenei had to say?

Nope, it has been proven that demon blood is not ‘mind control’ besides, they took it willingly so they are fully culpable.

When it’s 99% of a race the two are one in the same.

  1. I’m talking about post War of the Thorns consequences

  2. 2 decades of imprisonment for mass genocide…If a serial killer who killed 1% the amount of people the Orcs had was offered to settle with 2 decades imprisonment they’d take it in a heartbeat, it’s a MASSIVE slap on the wrist.

For the sole purpose of capturing Sylvanas

With absolutely zero plans to kill any non combatants or hold it after the war was over.

That was his choosing, the Alliance only wanted him to surrender and stop aiding the Horde till the war was over and he refused.

Ummm, no it wasn’t, the Alliance didn’t even get INSIDE the city.

Ok, unless this is another in game scenario in which the Horde and Alliance are shown different narratives I’m pretty sure Anduin’s ‘talking to’ was him denouncing Sylvanas (After she called the Horde nothing) and fanboying over Saurfang, that’s the opposite of ‘consequences’.

Unironically yes, you seem to not understand the meaning of the word ‘consequence’. A consequence for armed robbery for example is getting sentenced to prison, the part where the police raid your house and arrest you isn’t the ‘consequence’ bit.

Lol come on now you’re reaching, Sylvanas’s insane actions in her attempts to avoid justice aren’t on the Alliance.

Like I said, it doesn’t count because he wasn’t executed, he was killed by suicide by cop.

Are people forgetting the Legion wanted to destroy, and were conquering ALL worlds? Like, imagine the Legion is a serial killer who plans on killing literally everyone he is able to but he REALLY wants to kill one person in particular and will go out of his way to kill that one person, with everyone near that person being killed being the result of his secondary agenda.

Do you honestly think any person he kills is that one persons fault? Logic would dictate that the effort he is putting in to kill this one person would lower his overall death count. Same with the Legion, Kil’jaeden specifically. Do you know what he would have done if he wiped out the Draenei, he would have left the Legion and promised to never kill aga-JUST KIDDING, when he believed the Draenei were exterminated by the Orcs he STILL continued his genocidal campaign.

It is a consequence…for putting Sylvanas in charge, not for committing crimes.

That makes no sense, and it really comes across as you not enjoying any portion of the game’s story, just due to tribalism. The Forsaken story is intrinsic to the Alliance. I’ll disagree with your take on this character.

Well, in the instance of the Forsaken. Since Calia isn’t good development for them. You’d indulge me in what you consider some good development they’ve gotten?