How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Well that last line made me laugh at least.

And they shouldn’t be taking it seriously, just like how many (notably NE’s) take the burning of a virtual tree seriously, like it’s personal.

I understand why people want closure on something like Teldrassil though, it’s natural to want some satisfying resolution to something that had a cost of losing a home city.

Additionally, it’s also natural for players of one faction to hear the others suggestions and reply with “Ok great, but how is that going to effect me?”.

Both are valid, both are worthy of discussion. Just not worthy to get worked up about and angry over. If anyone should be worried about the quality of the story the most, it’s Blizzard because if players don’t like what they’re playing, they’ll stop paying.




Another constructive and thought-provoking post.
Thank you for your important contribution to this unimportant conversation.

Waffles are far more superior. They actually hold the maple syrup and buttery goodness.

You’re entitled to being wrong. :wink:

The best topping for Waffles is fried chicken.


Science says otherwise.

You are a heretic and must be burned at the stake. Begone from me vile man. Begone.

Waffles aren’t my thing, but I prefer them dry as well.

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In the case of the NE poster boogeymen though, they’re only as bad anyone else taking the game so seriously, so idk why the comparison is there.

It goes no further to get answers for how it could affect you, than a RL blood fued/forever hate over Teld, when nothing’s ever going to satisfy you.

Otherwise you’re a worse troll then the NE boogeymen, because you’re there as their animated shadow.

Science says you’re not entitled to being wrong? :crazy_face:


Idk man, when I pour syrup on my circle of joy I don’t want 80% of it spilling the plate. So unless I want to lick the plate after having my marginally syrup’d circle of disappointment then waffles are the best solution.

I would amend that if the pancakes are very very fresh. Then they soak that tree juice right up.

Woah woah woah!

We still talking about breakfast foods?


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Are we not?

I mean…waffles are just poor food that couldn’t graduate to pancake status :pancakes:


Do you eat pancakes any other way?


Depending on the time I have? Either freshly prepared or just toast them right out of the box. I am a busy gnome. I can’t cook all day.

And the cleanup. Oy vey.

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Proof that demon hunters and warlocks carry raid groups, along with the occasional shadow priest.

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I mean, someone has to make use of all those souls am I right? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I don’t think Blizzard has done enough to satisfy Night Elf fans, Forsaken fans, Sylvanas fans, or Horde fans. I’m not sure if that’s because they will never be able to do enough to satisfy some or because they just don’t care.

They had the Night Elves slow the Horde assault without their army. They changed the portrayal of the actual effectiveness of burning Teldrassil and the associated civilian casualties to allow for some wiggle room/retconning. They (weakly) portrayed the Night Elves (and a few unnamed Worgen NPCs standing way in the back) as winning Darkshore. They had Tyrande kill Nathanos Blightcaller. They showed Tyrande standing up (against the Alliance) for her people. They hinted/tweeted that Teldrassil can be regrown. They added quests specifically to rescue Night Elf souls from the Maw.

Is that enough to satisfy Night Elf fans? Apparently not. Should it be? I have no idea. But comparatively:

Forsaken fans got … Calia Menethil. If the Night Elves became an Allied Race then the Forsaken were just plain deleted. It’s that bad.

Sylvanas fans got her made into a villain with a backstory added that she’s been working for the worst guy in the realm of death for the last decade. Even worse, she’s aware this guy makes mourneblades like the one his minion (she’s also aware of that fact) used to turn her into an undead and torture her.

Horde fans were villain batted … again … and initiated another war and lost both battlegrounds. They lost more leaders and characters from their roster. They had their new allied race capital invaded - then had to play as the Alliance for part of the raid and loot the temple - and had a monarch assassinated. They spend the entire expansion being told they’re villains and at the end the only reason the Alliance doesn’t just dismantle the Horde is explained that the Alliance navy was hurt. Then the Horde player is insulted by NPCs in Ardenweald after we save them from the Maw, plus Tyrande and Shandris.

As to Alliance fans? What the heck do they want? They won everything. Outside of the Night Elves (and their losses) did I miss some major Alliance characters dying or leaving the faction? Lost battlegrounds?

This isn’t intended to weigh one “negative” against another. I’m not arguing about which race and/or faction got it worse because it’s not relevant to the comment. But when it comes to providing measures of relief - you may not be satisfied (yet) but so far the Night Elves have had the most done to lessen the disaster that was BfA.


Not sure what you mean by this?

There was a post further up that suggested (I believe it was intended to be an exaggeration) that Teldrassil (and BfA) left Night Elves in a position as if they were lowered to being basically an Allied Race. I intended my comment along the same lines.

I don’t believe the Night Elves are basically an Allied Race now and the Forsaken are clearly not deleted.