How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

mommy daddy please stop fighting.

But it’s Team Blue baby!! of course they’re going to say it doesn’t count and I’m sure he’ll say Blackmore doesn’t count because he wasn’t Pro Blue Enough!


Why is the little demon hunter mad about the Draenei existing, baby? He’s mad about the Orc bloodlust too, I don’t get why he doesn’t like the lore.

People forget that there are no laws on azeroth.

‘I’m mad about Velen, and Anduin. They’re so evil.’

Velen is probably the best character on the alliance.

ngl he is the only likable character.

That doesn’t really address the question of how modern audiences perceive and react to these events, however. You can sit back and say “but Kyalin, it’s a fantasy world filled with medieval neanderthals who don’t know better”, and my 21st century brain is still going to be like “but I know from history and from everything that I’ve been taught this kind of thing is really really bad” - especially when these characters otherwise don’t do a lot to bring me within the kind of frame of reference where the immersion can even take place.

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No characters act human with blizzards writing. Hell they are not even relatable on a lvl that a human could understand. You would have to be an alien to under-… actually i am not gonna offend our alien overlords.

The characters are slightly more relatable than a mosquito trying to sting you. or how a zoo animal.

They are there and they exist, and what they do doesnt make much sense.

I only quoted a small portion of what you said. I’m not trying to take it out of context. It really isn’t intended to be a hyperbolic scenario. How it actually plays out is is up to someone who is a writer (not a programmer) - but most of the foundation is from this quest:


In essence, the Lightbound Draenei in this alternate Draenor are led by Yrel and are… basically… exterminating anyone who disagrees with them.

"Brothers and sisters,

Decades have passed since the last vestiges of the Legion were driven from Draenor. We could not have accomplished this noble undertaking without the help of the orc clans, united as the Mag’har.

Our fondest wish is for all the people of Draenor to remain unified in purpose. Sadly, this dream is not shared by all of those who once stood beside us.

Many noble orcs have embraced the Light. Exarch Hellscream has been an example for his people to follow. Yet sadly, his own father resists the true path.

I believe with all my heart that the Mag’har are destined to join us as servants of the Light. But first, they must be taught to trust the naaru as we do.

The Light Mother has blessed me with visions. I know that one day the Army of the Light will march across the Great Dark Beyond and bring order to countless worlds.

That bold future begins here. With us. We must make Draenor whole again.

I call upon you all to ensure that the future promised by the Light Mother is fulfilled. Purge the infection that prevents Draenor’s heart from being whole.

The Light will forge a new future for the orcs… but first, we must save the Mag’har from themselves.

No more division. No more defiance. In the Light, we shall be one."

Yrel is one of the folks leading the army of genocidal light. Turalyon was a member of the Army of the Light.

After witnessing Calia as evil, Anduin turned into a Death Knight, and Bolvar turned into the Lich King, then once freed from that burden joining the Forsaken to aid the undead, Turalyon feels the balance of good and evil is off. The Alliance lacks the power to fight the Horde and/or push back the tide of the curse of undeath (especially with the feral Scourge joining the Forsaken). He calls on the Army of the Light to help.

Shockingly (sarcasm) they go further than anyone wants (just as the Prime N’aaru did to Illidan). Then it’s just a matter of who gets to do what. Eventually the floating chandeliers get beat back and we stop a colossal quasi-religious purge.

The army isn’t from the Alliance - it’s mostly made of Draenei - even though the Alliance leadership would be responsible for “inviting them in.” And while there’s some acceptance to them initially - they’re not under the authority or control of the Alliance, so it’s not like Turalyon gets to tell the N’aaru what to do.


Ok, that makes a lot more sense now that you’ve more fully explained it. I frankly think that this army of the light should just attempt to purge the Forsaken and anyone who abet them without dragging in this idea of them turning on people who are a continent away and shouldn’t technically matter to them, but, maybe we can play with this.

Let’s envision the army of the Light as like the reverse of what the Burning Legion originally envisioned the Orcs as - an army to in this case bring order to Azeroth - and they start with a portal at say… Light’s Hope Chapel. Lightforged Draenei and Orcs come spilling out and start tearing into the scourge (now converted to Forsaken, thus forcing the Forsaken response. They also pick up on the Blood Elves as having been corrupted by fel magic and therefore in need of either conversion or death. They regard the Blood Knights, despite the purification of the Sunwell, as heretical. As they span out into the plaguelands, Turalyon begins to realize that he’s the Medivh of this story, and starts trying to contain the situation - most of the Alliance is too distracted to care or regards this as a good thing. Alleria works in secret to try to disrupt them, but this is due to her connection to the void, not explicit concern over the situation.

Perhaps in time we end up going through the portal ourselves - to deal with the army at its source. We could get some good PVE content out of that - and there are possibilities to take that void connection… and pick up a certain old-god connected part of the world that recently played host to a powerful artifact…

Shifts eyes to Silithus.

… to set up a possible other side to this - maybe a simultaneous ‘invasion’ from the void that’s set to either conflict with this army on Azeroth, or if we want to use more of AU Draenor - to somehow use the remaining energies of Sargeras’s sword - funneling them through a portal leading back to Draenor, to feed the opposition to the army of the light on Draenor. Again, with more PVE content there as a possibility - set this up as the set of “third party threats” to drive that expansion.

This requires further study, and some hammering out.

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Side note: is anyone else reminded of, say, Sargeras’ false promises of knowledge to the Eredar of Argus and power/conquest to the Highborne of Kalimdor?

Propaganda-wise, this is literally the Light version of Sargeras’ Burning Legion.


Right, because Horde totally had a choice. :roll_eyes:



You know, because the Orcs were somehow supposed to be able to resist a demon called The Deceiver. Totally their own fault am I right?


UC sieged by the Alliance

Dazar’Alor sacked by the Alliance

King Rastakhan killed by the Alliance

Orgrimmar sieged a second time by rebel horde and the Alliance

Horde get a talking to in their faction capital for the second time by a Wrynn (Alliance)

Yup. No consequences at all.

But what’s that? I hear you screeching. UC was destroyed by Sylvanas? Yeah, after the Alliance attacked it.

Rasta wasn’t Horde? Would have been had the Alliance not killed him after sacking his city.



If I had any actual power in planning these things, I’d actually set this up as a pair of expansions (partly because I loathe how N’Zoth was a single patch).

The arrival of the light with some planned good intentions but some warning signs and worry; bad intentions become clear and they go off the rails; we work together and defeat the light.

But in the process of defeating the light army we have to use some macguffin that someone … maybe that little evil talking dagger (Xal’atath) … happily provides to help beat them. And then - oh noes - that dagger led us astray and created a way for the Void Lords to touch Azeroth in a naughty way!

But most of what I’m describing is in more “vague strokes.”

Also, I re-read what I wrote about Elune and it’s not clear either what I meant.

So from Wowpedia: “During a visit to Darnassus by the Draenei prophet Velen, he explained that the kaldorei’s description of Elune, as well as the demonstrated powers of the goddess, matched his experiences with powerful Naaru. He began to offer advice regarding how to commune with powerful naaru, but Tyrande thanked him for his opinion, then cordially requested that he refrained from making such outlandish claims when in Darnassus or in the presence of Elune’s priesthood.”

I meant some Naaru could call themselves Elune - and you can even have the real Elune smack him… her… it… I have no idea if Naaru have a gender. Or just skip the claim entirely and just have Elune smack them around just for the sake of trying to control religions.


Draenor wasn’t the only planet they landed on remember? All those other planets they hid on, destroyed by the Legion BECAUSE the exiles brought them there.



Those aren’t consequences when the Alliance are having to excise the bad egg the Horde won’t clean up itself. Anduin telling them to get a towel was just, because Horde had to much icing, and now don’t feel so good.

I keep saying it. Leave Lor’themar and Thalyssra in charge and when we go home, the Horde will be an entirely different entity. Thalyssra was never super stoked about the war and it took very little for her and lorthie to realize “ok this is bullcrap. time to kill a banshee”


Filled with little elven kiddies running around and opening the way for the next Allied Race: BLOODBORNE! :smiley:

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We are made men by the blood… undone by the blood…

See, THAT is how an Old God xpac should look Blizz! Take notes!