How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Yeah, Darkshore is a mess. I do agree that Blizzard could have done a better job at portraying the story there, even without actually changing what events happened, because there’s a weird…lack of clarity about how much of a power up the Army of the Black Moon got. I do wonder if a short story or video or something similar set in that time period would help; obviously it wouldn’t change the gameplay, but it’s still possible to give context that would improve the overall storytelling. Perhaps an animated short in the painted Harbinger/Warbringer/Afterlives style about the Army of the Black Moon retaking Ashenvale (because I am perfectly fine with that, and I think its rather expected that there would have been conflict there during the events of BfA), starting with a flashback to the ritual in Darkshore showing Tyrande being awesome and terrifying? It could be tied into whatever Blizzard ends up doing with Tyrande to make it relevant to current content, similar to how Sylvanas’ Warbringer short looked back at the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas.


I’d honestly prefer that sort of thing to take place in a questline just because ingame content is going to have more reach and memorability - but I certainly would accept a cinematic that establishes that and makes it unmistakably clear.


What’s the wrench in the messages? What is this wiki? Have they always been here?



Eh. Less WoT, more the Darkshore scenario. What with Empowered Tyrande and Malfurion failing to stop Nathanos from raising the dead Night Elves and reaching a sort of “stalemate”

And no, I do not consider the Valkyr as a reliable power source when , at the time, level 30-40 Alliance players could kill a major one with at most the help of a mid range Death Knight for backup.

Aviala, I somehow did not notice - you cannot write messages or just began to prefer silence? Like if first.

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Tyrande isn’t being villain batted. If you think that’s the case you need to walk a few expansions in the Hordes shoes.

But you know what? That’s fine. I’ll even remove Tyrande from the compromise list. She lives, kills Sylvanas, and saves everyone who died at Teldrassil and the magic of Ardenweald regrows the whole tree.

The Forsaken get the lands you mentioned and because we (the players) kill the Jailer and whatever we get to use some macguffin and the feral scourge turn friendly and join the ranks to repopulate the Forsaken. The Knights of the Ebon Blade oversee their orderly return to Forsaken society coordinating with Dark Lord Bolvar.

Plus all the other stuff involving Sylvanas, Anduin, Bolvar, Turalyon, and Alleria.

And then we add the ability for players to join the Knights of the Ebon Blade and the Illidari as factions (not both at the same time obviously).


No lie, I’d sell my Gamestop stocks in a heartbeat for this (HOLDING! :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :open_hands:)

MU Garrosh: “A slave to the Light… You are a disgrace to the name Hellscream and to all Orcs and speak for none, but yourself.”

AU Garrosh: “Fool. The Light has given me power beyond comprehension! I have heard of your failures, that you drank deep of the Void and still fell. Look at you now. What do you have?”

MU Garrosh: Gorehowl glows red with Anima “What you have forgotten. My pride… AND MY WRATH!”

Both charge each other with a roar before the two Gorehowls collide.


I mean, I think Gantrithor’s position is mostly refuted by how most Night Elf players and posters have reacted, as opposed to how he thinks we should have reacted. This is why I’m so queasy about trying to assume what other players would want a-la my forsaken suggestions earlier - when you don’t have the investment, you aren’t seeing what the people who do have that investment find important.

Not that Gantrithor actually cares about what would satisfy Night Elves as a playerbase so much as he seems to care about trying to shoot down any indication that there’s a matter requiring attention.

And Ashenvale? What, will the Horde go entirely?

That works for me - but I hope I’ve established that I don’t want to just fix the Night Elves and call it a day. The forsaken got screwed over and need a resolution now as well.

Not to mention the Zandalari.


I’m trying to imitate Mika.
The Zandalari don’t need permission; they’ve only recently lost their pride. Moreover, they have not even lost the capital. Let them wait their turn for 10+ years!

There is no denying that there are matters that require attention, but the problem is that trying to settle them in the way you or others may want will only lead to the problem coming back later. If the Night Elves get to dunk on the Horde, the Horde will be upset. Now Blizzard has to tip the scale back. Now some other Alliance race or the Alliance as a whole feels cheated, so the scale tips again…

Look, I know as a Human player my input will not likely hold much weight to Horde/Night Elf players, but really the best solution anymore, to me at least, is to just… let it go. The whole situation is perched so precariously that even seasoned writers would struggle to push out something that could end the cycle here. For Blizzard writers? There is a better chance I win the lottery 8 times in a row.


Let go? Decades of humiliation? Well no.
Besides, you are human. One of the oppressors. You must repent too.

I can’t express how much I disagree with that sentiment.

First - lets consider the trolls. Even though the trolls are Darkspear, other troll tribes have been raided in just about every expansion in what’s become almost a meme. They get told over and over again that the empires are gone and that we’re just happily smashing the remains. Then they get told that they can play one that resembles the Trolls in their former glory - only for it to be dysfunctional, broken, and falling apart. Its point of pride is its navy - which gets destroyed in one fell swoop by yet another improbable flashy attack.

Then comes Dazar’alor - and in my opinion, Dazar’alor is the Horde’s Teldrassil. It is an event designed to undermine troll pride in order to show the humans as powerful and to benefit that playerbase. The Zandalari are then just discarded, left with the ruins of yet another smashed troll empire.

That’s a crime in my mind - and it’s why my prior suggestions include provisions for Zandalar getting its own just payback.


Don’t try and imitate me. People who know me on here, know I hate the alliance and only really care about worgen issues and that I find the horde far more interesting


Well darn.

Can I at least repent by being being stepped on?

I mean -

  • Dark Lord Bolvar
  • Promotion of Lilian Voss into a more permanently visible role
  • Massive influx of population via feral scourge turned unferal
  • Partnership with Ebon Blade to handle reintegration
  • A shiny new necropolis
  • Screen time of the King of Stormwind being banished for becoming a Death Knight (and him joining the Ebon Blade therefore working with the Forsaken and having to relate to them)
  • Expanded control over territories (don’t worry - Blood Elves can take Ghostlands).
  • AND Calia Menethil revealed as a traitor working with the Jailer and murdered?

That’s like the Forsaken amazing scenario.

Toss in the bias of Turalyon seeing good fall to “evil” undead and beginning a campaign of terror that ends with his wife murdering him while the Alliance and Horde fight off the Light crazed army? I’m in.


I tried to imitate your old claims about night elves demanding too much after two years, unlike worgen (10) and gnome (15) years. Why don’t you be the same with the Zandalari?

Because I don’t care about the zandalari